Twilight of the jedi The Rise of the Empire
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The Rise of the Empire

Era beginning/end


The Confederacy of Independent Systems attacks Coruscant , and almost succeed at kidnapping Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Count Dooku, head of state of the Confederacy, is killed in the fighting.   In response, the Supreme Chancellor consolidates power by granting himself the power to appoint Planetary Governors, declaring the Jedi Order to be treasonous, ordering the assassination of the Separatist Council, declaring himself Emperor of the First Galactic Empire, and arresting Senators who refuse to swear loyalty to him.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems attacks Coruscant , and almost succeed at kidnapping Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine. Count Dooku, head of state of the Confederacy, is killed in the fighting.   In response, the Supreme Chancellor amends the constitution to allow him to appoint Planetary Governors and Sector Moffs. The Delegation of 2,000 submit the Petition of 2,000, asking the Supreme Chancellor to surrender his wartime powers and negotiate a peace with the Confederacy.   General Grievous is killed by a Jedi on Utapau, leaving the Confederacy without a singular leader. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issues Order 66, declaring the Jedi Order to be treasonous; most Jedi are executed immediately. Darth Vader kills the remaining members of the Separatist Council on Mustafar, ending the Clone Wars.   Sheev Palpatine declares himself Emperor of the First Galactic Empire. Dozens of members of the Delegation of 2,000 are arrested and many others swear loyalty oaths, fragmenting the remaining loyal opposition.

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