Letter from Satrienus Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Letter from Satrienus

In a chest possessed by the Chief of the goblins in the Occasis Mine, the party found the following letter:  
Hail, Chief Grek.   This shipment is the first installment of our agreed-upon price: Four green emeralds of fine quality, and a diamond ring. You will receive an additional payment of the same value once the farms have been sold to me.   You will restrict the taking of slaves to the northernmost nine farms along the roadway. You will not take slaves from any other region. As long as you abide by these terms, I will withhold the army from attacking you.   Any violation of these terms will nullify the agreement, and I will send the army directly to your mine.   Finally, you must destroy this letter after you have finished reading it, lest it fall into the wrong hands.   Satrienus
  This letter was presented to Centurion Numeria Durionia at the Nemasus Basilica and Sextus Satrienus was arrested for treason against the Roman Empire.
Text, Letter
Signatories (Characters)

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