Nemasus Basilica Building / Landmark in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Nemasus Basilica

Purpose / Function

The Basilica is the seat of government for the town. The town Assembly meets here to discuss and vote on issues. The Prefect of the town holds audience from a raised dais across from the entrance doors, both presiding over Assembly meetings and when presiding over a trial or other gathering.   The basilica has three levels. The first floor is used for meetings. The second floor contains offices where scribes record the happenings of the government. The third floor contains an archive where records of the government are stored.


The basilica is built from giant blocks of marble, white with veins of green running through them. Three steps lead up to a covered portico fronted by sixteen arches framed by pillars. The arches are about 10 feet wide and easily twice that high. A second level with sixteen narrower arches sits atop the first. The third level, narrower than the other two, is made from brown brick and has a tiled roof.   Inside, the floor is of pink granite, and the walls are of red and green stone imported from Africa. The large interior is divided into three large, equal chambers by floor-to-ceiling tapestries, enabling up to three separate public meetings to be held at a time. The most important meeting is always held int he central section. When necessary, the tapestries can be removed to make one large chamber for a very large gathering.
Ministry / City hall
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