Sextus Satrienus Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Sextus Satrienus

Former Prefect Sextus Satrienus

Sextus Satrienus (usually just called "Satrienus") is the former Prefect of Nemasus. He comes from a wealthy, rather old Patrician family from the northwest region of Latium, and was appointed Prefect several years ago by the Proconsul of Rhodanensis, Manius Fannius. He presides over the town assembly and is the official commander of the town's garrison, which consists of a 100-soldier Roman Century.   On 26 Februarius, AUC 2103, a group of adventurers presented evidence that Satrienus was involved in a plot to allow goblin raiding parties to take prisoners from the northern farms, in an effort to force the farmers off their land. He was deposed as Prefect and placed under arrest by the Roman garrison commander.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Sextus Satrienus is rather average-looking, with not much distinguishing about him. He has a care-lined face, and a bold classically Roman nose. His eyes are a bit narrow -- one might say "beady" and he has thin, pale lips. His skin has a pale, slightly unhealthy appearance.

Apparel & Accessories

Satrienus wears a fine toga of the purest, dazzling white, with a thin purple border. This outfit marks him as both a patrician and a politician. He wears a short-sleeved cream-colored under-tunic beneath the toga, and fine leather boots on his feet. He is often seen carrying around a scroll as he performs the duties of his office.

Personality Characteristics


Satrienus is known for his fastidiousness, and makes an appearance at the Bath House each morning to take a hot bath.

Wealth & Financial state

Satrienus is a wealthy Patrician. His family has owned the farms east of Nemasus for quite some time, and he employs many resident farmers to work the land for him.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Praefectus prior
Year of Birth
2051 AUC 52 Years old
Current Residence
Short, black with grey streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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