Session 6 - Rescues and Accusations Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 6 - Rescues and Accusations

General Summary

From Kleeck's Journal:   Having decided to leave the the elven woman behind the barricade for now, we ventured further into the mine.   The first door we came upon opened to a room with a pair of goblin guards which we quickly dispatched. Beyond that room was a prison chamber where we freed two of the captured farmers, both children, both traumatized. We wanted them to stay in the room while we explored but they were terrified at the thought of being left behind. In the end I was only able to persuade them by giving them spears lit up by a simple cantrip. I have some misgivings about telling them that the light would protect them - I do believe that the light of Apollo shines on those in need, but the light from those cantrips would do little against goblins. The light seemed to give them real courage though, and perhaps that was the true blessing they needed.   We went further into the mine and soon came to another more ornate door, that we were sure led to the chieftain's chamber. Our discussion on tactics and plans was cut short when we were spotted by a trio of goblin guards, but again we prevailed, and afterwards, we found that with the goblins were the remaining kidnapped farmers.   Deciding that we could benefit from another ally, we went back to the barricade to try and find Thiala. We almost fell victim to a goblin trap as we took down the barricade, but Laura's keen eye spotted the tripwire, and Bandua's steady hand was able to deftly disarm it. Beyond the barricade was a large chamber with some dead goblins, and then beyond that a smaller one hidden by moss. Of all the things I had expected find I must admit that a white tiger with bared teeth and claws was not on my list, but after a tense moment the 'tiger' transformed to reveal Thiala, who we soon learned is a druid for whom such powers of transformation are part of their divine gifts. She was eager to join us in confronting the chief and so together we went back to the door to his chamber and, weapons drawn, we burst in.   I am no bard, and in truth I still find it overwhelming to be in the midst of a melee, so I am unsure if I will be able to do justice to the battle in these recollections. Bandua fought with the steady competence of a professional soldier. Laura showed a deftness with paired swords that I had not expected but was much impressed by, though from what I could tell her attempt to speak to the goblin's pet wolves and dissuade them from attacking us was less than successful. But I will never forget the look on the chieftain's face when Hassan blasted him with the strange arcane bolt that he seems to be able to call upon in times of need. The thunderous sound it made on impact rattled my bones from the other side of the room, and left the chief staggering and all but dead. Seconds later the goblins and their wolves were all slain, and we were victorious.   Searching the room after the battle, we were shocked to discover a Letter from Sextus Satrienus indicating that he had been collaborating with the goblins, promising them protection from the forces of Rome if they would terrorize the farmers to help him in his scheme to buy their farms. My blood boiled at the thought that a Prefect of the Roman Empire would all but sell good Roman farmers into slavery out of sheer greed and self-interest.   The journey back to Nemasus was a bit of a blur, as all I could think on was how to confront the Prefect and bring him to justice. In the end we relied on the help of the Pontifex, who counselled us to accuse Sextus in the basilica and agreed to stand by us while we did it. I still do not know what to make of the...strange practices in the temple in Nemasus, but I must believe the Pontifex is a good man, and has good reasons to swear me to secrecy on what I have seen.   I am told that I froze halfway through my impassioned accusation of Sextus. In my head I had imagined giving the kind of powerful compelling oratory that my patrician father was so well known for and that I had always secretly hoped to emulate, but apparently it was not to be. Fortunately the Pontifex was there to lend the weight of his credibility to my faltering case, and the letter proved to be all the evidence we needed. Sextus was led away by legionaries, hopefully to face the Roman justice he richly deserves.

Rewards Granted

725 Experience Points (Party reached the 3rd level of experience).

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Minor Milestone - Defeat the Goblin Chief
  • Major Milestone - Find Thiala
  • Major Milestone - Rescue the farmers
  • Major Milestone - Learn of Sextus Satrienus' treason
  • Major Milestone - Depose Sextus Satrienus

Character(s) interacted with


The party found a Letter from Satrienus.   Thiala gave Laura a silver coin with symbols of Diana on both sides, and told her to find a group called the Green Company in a nearby forest, for further training as a Beastmaster Ranger.
Report Date
30 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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