Secret Inscription XI Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Secret Inscription XI

In an alcove of the The Pantheon in Rome is a secret chamber underneath the statue of a woman holding her finger to her lips. This alcove was exposed by two creatures who at first appeared to be members of the Praetorian Guard, but later were revealed to be Green Slaadi. After a battle with them and a Red Slaad that one of the "Praetorian Guards" somehow transported into the Pantheon, the heroes entered the secret chamber and found a stela, or cover plate, with the letter "L" carved slightly below and to the right of center. Under this stela was the following inscription, again signed by "T. L. P.":  
And so, Romulus gathered his people together on Paladin’s Hill, and warned them that the first name he had given was to be held in total secrecy, never spoken aloud to anyone, even to each other. To the world, they would call the city Rome, forever after. And he forbade the Hill Men to ever speak the true name of their city again. After a few generations, knowledge of the city’s sacred name faded from memory, being kept only by a small cult founded by the Paladin. To this day, Rome has never fallen to an enemy, because the city’s sacred name has never come into foreign hands, and indeed, even most Romans do not know of it.


This inscription appears to contain the secret, undocumented history of pre-Imperial Rome.
Text, Religious

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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