Session 10 - Pendants and Pestilence Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 10 - Pendants and Pestilence

General Summary

From Laura's Journal

  5 Martius, 2103 evening in camp. (WET!) I am glad I have furry friends to curl up with! Getting Kleeck and Hassan up going and out of town is something else! I told them we should set out early and Bandua and I were up, but apparently even though they stopped their story telling performance early that did not end their nighttime carousing. It’s lucky they did not get arrested for doing magic on the public street at 2 am. Youth! I start to sound like the oldster! But really, he must see us all as mere children.   So, an orderly progression of events:   We returned to the inn for supper after a long talk with Ianthe. Hassan preceded to flash a diamond around at dinner much to Bandua’s disgruntlement. Made me a bit nervous too, towns being, well… towns. And then they got into talking about that pendant of his. It’s good for magic but may be trouble all the same. Anyhow after supper Hassan was going to preform again, but he cajoled Kleeck (plied him with enough wine?) into preforming too. They did a good job and earned some coin, but I was too exhausted to enjoy it properly. The oldster and I tuned in pretty quick when they wrapped up.   We came down to breakfast round 7 as planned, and I was just thinking of heading up to bang on their door when Hassan and Kleeck came downstairs burbling about the pendant. It had been spinning in the night and now was pointing NE. I got to wondering as they went on and on about it spinning and spinning in the night, and they were willing to wander around outside doing magic, why didn’t they try to stick their hands in and stop the spinning? Or think of anything physical? However, it did stop this morning pointing the direction we intend to go. Hassan is now obsessed with buying a hat of all things and won’t say why. Kleeck was after a pearl so he can identify stuff like Ianthe, so as Bandua and I went to pack up they went to hit the market first.   That turned out to be another slowdown, but a very useful one, as Kleeck’s Uncle Heehk, who is a traveling merchant had rolled into town. The oldster and I had just headed out of the in to hunt the other two, when Hassan somehow whispered in my ear from across the market! They were off to the Third Eye to talk to Ianthe again – Kleeck had got his Perl from Heehk and Hassan his hat. Heehk also had a good selection of herbs so we went to stock up for emergencies   After our shopping and the pleasant meeting with Heehk, Bandua and I collected the others from the Third Eye and as we were gathering our gear at the inn we were summoned by the Perfecta. The governor wants us to try to figure out what is what at Lugdunum. Personally, I am terrified. Whatever is out there is dangerous enough that the legion never came back... Hassan and Kleeck are still young enough they are eager, Bandua sometimes seems blinded by the money. I want to know what happened to my parents, Lucius Mesienus Temerarius and the people of Lugdunum, but I also want to keep my life. Not that this adventuring is the best way to go about it, but it may be a good way to keep the land safe from these unnatural bests that seem to be more plentiful now than ever.   Thankfully, we go to the Westwood first in search of what happened to Thiala, and to find the trouble she was chasing. It is rather wet camping tonight, hopefully folks will sleep well despite it.   8 Martius, 2103 evening in camp. After the first rough wet night travel has been pleasant and uneventful, we are getting close to the Westwood. It feels like home as we get into the trees, but something is definitely off.   9 Martius, 2103 – Brief notes in case something else attacks. It is as if natural decay has been magnified and brought above ground. We heard horrible noises and Mkali wanted to rush forward. We found carrion crawlers fighting Erky, Saral’s friend. We helped Erky do in three of them, but I have not had a chance to try talk to him yet to find out if Saral is in trouble or if they have seen Thiala. Have to attend to Mkali’s hurts first as he took a bit of a beating from the carrion crawlers.

Rewards Granted

500 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Major Milestone - Complete the travel skill challenge
  • Minor Milestone - Rescue Erky

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ianthe Kantavros
  • Numeria Durionia
  • Uncle Heehk
Report Date
25 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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