Huwei Island Ring Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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Huwei Island Ring

"Don’t talk about Elysium if you’ve never been to Huwei Island".
The highest and smallest gear, Huwei Island Ring is a fully terraformed paradise, with lush farmlands and a sparkling lake. This is where the most privileged and accomplished members of the guilds reside in a place of opulence and refinement. Its sparse buildings are carefully constructed with hardened glass, allowing its people to see unobstructed vistas. This gear was originally settled for the upper guildmembers to have some space from the common rabble.
Clockwork Orrery, Huwei Island
Statue of Ilyena, Huwei Island
Huwei Island Ring Theme
Alternative Name(s)
The Garden Ring
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Unknown


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