Witches Shrine to Qaydith

"This shrine has provided a safe place for us to worship our patron without the prying eyes of outsiders."
The Guvoryu Kāsērtha Warlocks are a secretive people with a small network throughout Bridt Sche with Sērtha Ūśyā being where they are headquarter. Within the Witch's Cave, there is a massive shrine to the Fa Geinn god Qaydith the patron deity of the Kasērtha Guvoryu. Within the walls of the shrine they are safe to worship their god without those who outlawed his worship coming to stop them.

Purpose / Function

Like most shrines, it serves as a small place for worship to a patron god in this case the god is Qaydith. All religious life within Sērtha Ūśyā happens in the shrine including the rite of the Warlock Pact where Qaydith himself is believed to come to them and pact with them. Due to this barrier between Ell Brich and Miyla is thin here.   The shrine holds a Gloom Portal to Ell Brich within it allowing travel between the worlds easily that is only opened when some conditions are met. Aside from a statue of Qaydith, there is also a large Mana Spring within the shrine which serves the Warlocks as a source of power in their emcampent around the shrine.


Over the years additional rooms for the shrine have been carved into the cave to allow for more space for worship and rituals.


The shrine is made of stone and the careful carving of the Mana Spring's natural Focus Crystals serving as light for the shrine and making the building important to the Guvoryu Kāsērtha.


The shrine and the Gloom Portal to Ell Brich is protected by the Sērtha Ruydo which is a unit of highly favored by Qaydith casters. The Mana Spring's natural Focus Crystals also creates a defense for the shrine as the magic within can manifest in harmful ways to all casters who don't draw on Qaydith for their power.
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