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Those who have ascended are individuals given the gift of divinity by a god in one way or another. They are generally classified as Minor Deities, however can be categorized/titled as Angels, Celestials, Fey, and more. This classification of celestial is primarily denoted by the individual having once been humanoid and fully mortal, then transformed into what they are by way of divine intervention. This is an extremely rare situation, only known to occur due to extreme events. As the blessing must be given by a God for ascendence to happen, it is rare that one in this category will not have a direct faith or connection with a God in some way– the exceptions being strange, unique events such as the Celestial Shards of Areya.
Once ascended, the celestial blood stays in one's system both linked to the soul and physicality– if an individual passes their genes through their linneage as a celestial being, the child will have a celestial presence within them, and every generation descending from the celestial entity will have a small percentile chance at producing an Aasimar.
Ascendence comes in many forms for many reasons, but generally speaking it comes with great power and great consequences.

Transmission & Vectors

Either the awakening of a celestial bloodline by way of divine intervention, or general divine intervention by way of a God gifting divinity in some way or another for a reason the God sees fit.


  • Madness; if the subject is originally a mortal and is not syncopated over a very long period of time to aforementioned celestial power, the subject is almost certainly going to be subject to madness. Madness can come in many forms and in a range of severities, but it has been observed that celestial insanity can show itself through the gaining of a god complex (bloated ego), power tripping, violence/rage/vengeance, disregard for others' safety, grandiose delusions, becoming out of touch with human emotion/social norms, development of overt sadism/masochism, recklessness, self destructive tendencies, betrayal, etc. Madness has been known to effect nearly every single mortal-turned-deity/celestial (examples; Lazarus, Ramiel, King Argolmir, and Leon Mureiy), and even is known to effect those acting as host for a deity (example, Legault Mureiy). It often results in the destruction of one's humanity, or even destruction of the entire self, however it can be escaped by miraculous means or hypothetically managed and adjusted to over time.
  • Halo; The subject will gain a halo. A halo, contrary to popular belief, is not consistently visible or made of solely light as it is often portrayed in artwork or tomes. Halos can appear in many different ways reflecting of the individual's soul and the God related to their divinity, but generally all appear as an arc above or around the head of the being and are the mark of the being's celestial status. Some examples are as follows:
  • King Argolmir of Areya's halo appears to be a large, grandiose golden crown which is far more solid and material than most halos.

  • - Guilliame's halo is a faint shimmering silver line resembling a string of fate appearing as if woven into the rim his large black hat.
    - Leon Mureiy's halo, when in his typical human form during his everyday life (rather than in battle or using arcana) is a very faint arc that goes unnoticed unless looking for it specifically, as it resembles the translucence of a sunbeam through dust or the faint light and sparks that float and vanish above a fire. When in his celestial form, effected by his divine status, and when using spells or other forms of arcana, the halo appears more vividly and reflects what he is doing or feeling– if in a state of rage, for example, the halo will appear like a line of blinding blue flame or even harnessed lightning, but if he is calmed from that state or damaged, that flame will flicker and spark to the point where eventually it will return to a more docile state of faintness.
    • Celestial Form; Ascending to the tier of a celestial will result in gaining some kind of celestial form or version of oneself which is different depending on the individual. Leon's is a large phoenix or a luminescent form with flaming phoenix wings, King Argolmir's is an enormous giant donning a large golden crown, Ramiel's was a confusing, spinning form of intertwined rings and glowing radiant eyes, and so on.


If one wishes to become mortal again the subject must do one of the following:
  • Obtain divine intervention to revoke the ascension.
  • Be punished by a god and struck down to their original humanoid form.
  • Use of the Wish spell. (see; Sylvester's Deck of Many Things)
  • Death.
If one wishes to maintain their sanity, the best chances of doing so (according to our current knowledge) include practicing the following:
  • Maintaining close relationships with friends, family, etc.
  • Using celestial abilities sparingly and generally as a last resort in situations of violence. (This will scale as the individual gets assimilated over time to their divinity and more experienced with grounding themselves and keeping control. A subject more experienced will be at that point more thoroughly dosed with celestial power and as such do not need to be as cautious and sparing with their abilities.)
  • Meditation and keeping a clear mind and clear intentions. Being self aware and learning to better self control.
  • Avoiding situations of major stress or trauma.
  • Avoiding the use of more feats of celestial energy at a time than necessary.
  • Keeping a connection/faith/trust in the God that has bestowed the status.
  • Making sure to have a clear intent in your life and actions; keeping morality in check as much as possible.
  • Asking yourself rationalizing questions; is this moral? Do the ends really justify the means? Will I hurt those I love?
  • Keeping reminders of those grounding factors; photos of loved ones, repeating a mantra or quote that is meaningful and true to you, wearing/having on hand a keepsake of great significance, etc.
  • Humble yourself in some way upon signs of delusion. Punish or withhold yourself from indulgences when noticing an action/intent is too far un-empathetic or malevolent.
  • Temper yourself over time with your celestial abilities– keep in mind that using too much at a time is extremely dangerous, but at the same time realize that shying away from using it at all will only lead to a suppressing effect and a building-up of fuel for potential explosion of power, as well as leading to one never getting used to the power and status and as such never being able to truly control/understand it.


The first known case of a mortal gaining celestial power and ascending to deityhood was that of Emperor Gaius, the first emperor of the Ybeli Empire. Gaius was blessed with his ascension by Mytera after the Terraformation of Ybele in the year 777. Ever since he has essentially become one with the great Mytera's Tree, and functions under the category of a Great Fey– more or less dormant within the trees roots, only tending to interfere with the world around him by proxy using the spread of Gaiadan Lotuses and their ability to allow him to telepathically influence hosts (example; Ryze Comécia), or other means related to the natural world or the Feywild. The second known case was that of Ramiel and his siblings in what is now known as the United Nation of Areya in 1375, Ramiel gaining his divinity by way of obtaining a celestial shard; a shard of pure unadulterated radiance that, once in contact with, ascended him to deityhood. Ramiel, a follower of Lumos and member of a sect of The Lumosian Church in Areya, stayed closely loyal to the ways of the light god, strictly maintaining order and creating a stronghold of hierarchy within the city of Inoch. Eventually, as his madness brought on by his ascendance and the use of his power increased, he strayed farther from the influence of Lumos and eventually was blocked of all contact with the God as he was far gone in his corruption. He was eventually slayed by Reeza Szanto, Leon Mureiy, Clementine, and Sprout, helped by Legault Mureiy, Chad Evans, Squak, Lazarus, Caligo Apricol, and many other forces from the United Nation of Areya, Holy Order of the Phoenix, and more united throughout the nation to stop his maddened empirical intentions. Upon death he was revoked of his deityhood and he was disincorporated.
List of Ascended Beings Known and their Historical Presences
Name Ascension Origin Designation Specialization/Title
Emperor Gaius 777– Ybeli Empire Mytera Great Fey of Ybele
Ramiel 1375–1505 Kingdom of Areya Lumos Deity of Inoch
King Argolmir Bestla ≈1380– Kingdom of Areya Lumos Areya's First True King
Lazarus ≈1405–1506 Kingdom of Areya Lumos/Kalorii The Phoenix Goddess | Lady Lazarus
Dragon Mother ≈1415– Kingdom of Areya Lumos/??? Therrani's Goddess of Dragonkind
Leon Mureiy 1506– Kyori Kalorii/Lumos Deity of Phoenixes | Angel of Wildfire
Guilliame ≈1560– Kingdom of Areya Iri The Fates | The Blind Oracle
Chad Evans ≈1520– Kingdom of Areya Lautano Deity of Transportation
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare

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