Scene: The Fairy Mound of Idisiaviso

Arriving in Idisiaviso feels different this time around. Maybe it's simply the fact that this time Idisiaviso is not the destination, but the place of departure. I can feel the enthusiasm oozing from Thrud as well, as she with quick feet drags me to a private home I haven't visited before, where we are introduced to the resident Àlf, and Thrud turns to me joyfully, while her Alf friend presents a dark brown mass on the table:

"I had a suspicion, metal would slow you down more than you'd like, so I commitioned a leather armor for you. It sounds arcaic, I know, but it will offer some protection, and I didn't assume you to have armor of any kind lying around anyway, so just ...humor me." She then turns to Brynja apologeticly, "I am certain we can find something to fit you in town as well..."

"No need," Brynja states, waving a hand. "I'll be in my pelt. Maybe next time though!"

Thrud simply nods. I start lifting up the mentioned leather armor with no idea what to look for. It's a bit too "medieval faire" to appreciate fully, I guess, but she's right in that I don't really own an alternative. It's a leather vest and some armguards.

"Traditionally we wear metal, but getting used to the weight of it takes time. We can look into that later, if you want - any of you."

"Sure!" Brynja says quickly, but I hesitate to answer. I still don't plan on making this thing my life.
Parent Plot

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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