Scene: Pacing Across Ithavöll

Prepped and armed like never before, we step on to the Fairy Mound. Thrud points out a place on the horizon where three lonely trees stand together, and as I look at them something happens. My eyes start twitching as the trees remain in focus, but everything else starts flashing in and out of existence, and for a moment it feels like the trees are closing in, while all else pulsates between two worlds - my senses overwhelmed by the smells and sights of two worlds colliding, and then the trees bounce back to their natural position, and my eyes rest as if nothing has happened. But the area surrounding the trees - surrounding us is not the same as the place we just left. Gone is Our World - This is Otherworld.
I fight to stay on my legs, as I take it in - an enormous plain, dry in the summer heat. Tall cliffs on one side, and far out a mountain range in another direction. Large lush forests on the horizon.

"Welcome to Ithavöll - the resting place of Asgard!" Thrud's voice cuts though the breeze. She lifts a hand and point at a mountain in the range far away. "And that right there is Gimlé. Where we have lived since Ragnarok. A Vettir stronghold in Light Alfs territory."

"But that is not your destination just yet!" A deep, hearty voice calls out close behind us, and we turn to see the grinning faces of the Thorsons. They are clad in armor not too far from my own I surmise from the arms, but they are wearing a chainmail over it and have shiny metal armguards, both of them holding a metal helmet under their arm as well. They sure came prepared to party.

"We are headed to the southern forest first. Something's moved in close to the plains and we gotta make sure it's not a threat to Idisiaviso - one way or the other." The other brother, Modi, tells us. "The Alfs usually lets us deal with the fun ones" he adds with a smirk.

"Anyone coming from Gimlé?" Thrud asks, while checking her armguards.

"Nah, it's just us. This is to test the newblood after all," Magni replies while looking me up and down with his warm, smiling eyes before resting them on my sword and adding: "Hönir might be watching from Lidskjalf though".

My history lessons are spotty at this point, but I think that might be Odin's throne from which one can look everywhere. Something I had assumed was lost during Ragnarok, but it doesn't sound like it. I guess that makes Hönir one of the oldest Asir as well. One of the top Asir just watching me being tested against something unknown. Great. That's just... great.

"What have the Alfs said? What kind of fun are we talking about here?" Brynja cuts in with her powerful voice, that assures me she's ready to take on anything.

"All in due time. Today we track south. Tomorrow we should hit the forest before noon."

"I guess we better get going then," I say as calmly as I can muster it, to mask the vortex of emotions running rampant through my chest. I had been hesitant to join the Wild Hunt to begin with and now it feels like I'm up for my final exam in a program I did not ask for.

We pace across the wast plain for something close to five hours in the summer heat before we reach the first lone tree. My undershirt is drenched as we stop in the shade to catch our bearings. Or for me to catch mine at least - As I look around none of the others seem too exhausted. I guess it's hard to tire out Gods and Brynja quite literally has the stamina of an animal.

"So, what next?" I manage to say between pants.

"We stay here for the night. Better to reach the forest in daylight than at night time." Magni replies. "So we camp, we eat, and we rest."

Ever the mother, Thrud dumps her large backpack and starts unpacking a mess kit and a bag of sandwiches, to which Brynja scowls: "I smelled deer not too far back. I'll go hunt." And before waiting for approval she starts stripping down to nothing, earning her quite the stare of the brothers, while she wraps a wolf pelt around her.

"Uhm," Modi starts, barely concealing his drooling eyes. "Do you require assistance?"

"If you can keep up," Brynja teases with a smile, before the wolf skin takes over and becomes her whole being, leaving a large grey wolf in her stead. She turns around and sets off, and Magni laughs, clapping Modi on his back, and sends him off after her.

"I guess that leaves us for firewood duty," Thrud says to Magni, who nods back at her.

"Hey, what about me?" I say, still panting heavily.

"You rest. I'd rather have you at full energy tomorrow," Thrud answers. Knowing me well enough that I won't tolerate not contributing, she adds: "You can help skin the deer they bring back."

"Yeah, sure. I can do that," I say quietly and sit back down. Unlike human schools, we have an extensive survival class, and skinning and preparing animals is a part of it. I can do it, but I can't say that I pride myself on my skinning talent.
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Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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