Scene: Preparing for The Wild Hunt

After hesitantly deciding to join in The Great Hunt, we turn toward Idisiaviso, in which lies a Fairy Mound, leading to Otherworld. Seing my headmaster, Thrud, suddently younger than myself is all kinds of weird, but it would have been even weirder bringing along an aging woman for this sort of quest.
The boys came in an actual antique chariot, which only barely holds the two of them, so the rest of us is borrowing a van, and then I think the plan will be trekking from the portal. I actually don't know if cars even world in Otherworld.
I'm happy to see Brynja joining us. Ever since becoming full fey she has been spending more time roaming the woods, but like most shifters, it seems that her free will hasn't been lost to the Compulsion. We never did spend much time together outside of hitting the town, but she's nice and has that larger-than-life bravado, I bet Thrud's brothers are just gonna gobble up. Having a badass werewolf join our hunt is going to be pretty wild too, I must admit. I'm psyched to get to see her in action. Along the drive, I ask Thrud if anyone else is joining the Hunt.

"Not from Evergreen. And probably not from Idisiaviso either," she smiles. "But maybe from Gimlé".

"Odin's sons?" I ask, remembering my history lessons of who survived Ragnarok and moved to Gimle beside Thrud.

"If available" she states with a nod. "Else there will probably be many other Vettir, who are prepared to join any Wild Hunt they might be invited too. And that part depends of the scope of the Hunt. Bringing too many will be too noisy as well as take away from the glory of overcoming a great obstacle. Remember this is a test of your skill and how far you have come."

"Wait. I thought this was an opportunity to join your family on one of their adventures. Why am I being tested?" I snap at her, starting to feel irritated. I wonder if Thrud planned all of this just for me, even though she knows I don't want to be a pawn in any game they're doing.

"Can't it be both?" she asks non-apologeticly. "I want to know if your training is paying off, and my brothers' presence is bound to lead to adventure."

"Come on, Alea - it's gonna be fucking epic, and you know it!" Brynja chimes in. I'm grateful that she's here, and it won't just be me with a couple of eternal warriors. At least until she asks Thrud: "So are your brothers spoken for or what?"

"Probably depends on who's asking," Thrud laughs heartilly. "In honesty, I believe them to be roaming bachellors forever though. Cursed to never grow up."

"And where does your newly restored youth come in?" I inquire teasingly.

"Well, it would be a shame to squander it," she replies with a devilish smile.
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Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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