Scene: Stormy guests

It's raining today. On these days I miss waking up in the Grove, with everybody huddled up inside the warm longhall. I look out the window and see the city buzzing as always. Car lights, colorful umbrellas, A single crow or raven washing its feathers on a light pole. He looks to be enjoying himself. I take a sip of my wildberry tea. Maybe I should visit today - just to check in on everything. Maybe the Dís has news from abroad. I place my empty cup, slip on my boots and grab my rain coat, and a loud crack of thunder roars suddently just as I grab the door. I better get a move on.
I've always loved walking in the city in the rain. Anyone out are more preoccupied with mentally cursing the weather than glaring at me. I feel more discreet, while more like a part of the city. Blending in warms me.

The sky breaks with more thunder and blinks of lightning follow quickly. The storm must be right above the city now. I tighten the hood of my raincoat to withstand the forceful wind. Maybe I should have stayed home, but I'm not in the habit of turning back when I've started something. I enter a kiosk where several pedestrians seem to have taken shelter. Keeping my eyes down and making myself small, I grab a couple of sodas and a bunch of snacks, so I'm not dropping in empty-handed. Not because that would be impolite - I just like supplying with something.
I make it to the desk without drawing attention, and pay the large man behind the desk. He's too busy discussing loudly in turkish with another man to really notice anything the short moments he is looking at me, and I let out a sigh of relief as I head out into the rumbling storm, shocking another corvid, flapping away from the dry doorway on my hasty exit. I return the way I came for a bit before turning to the right, seeing the Grove two blocks ahead of me, and I speed up thinking of the dry warm longhall waiting for me.
As I cross the street to the Grove wall, I can smell the electricity in the air, before a lightning strikes down not 2 meters in front of me, stopping me in my stride, instinctly putting a hand to my now racing heard. I feel some primeval fear I don't recognize.

"Got lucky there!" a voice calls out. "Yeah..." I answer in a nervous laugh, as I pick up my dropped bag of snacks, I must've dropped. I look around for whoever spoke, but nobody's here. As the chills set in, I take a deep breath and continue to the gate, where I let myself in. Further inside the park I can see a couple of silhuettes standing out in the rain, seemingly having a great time. I'm turning to head inside as a large man from the group thrusts his arm up quickly just as lightning strikes, sparking a joyous reaction from the others.

As I enter the foyer it's empty, but I can hear the occational loud awing of people from the longhall through the doors. I enter quietly not to disturb whatever has got everybody so occupied. Inside the fully stacked longhall everybody's attention is directed to the sky beyond the large glass panes on the rear wall. So the thunder and lightning is the show. I spot Lív and the other swan maidens sitting together and sneak in silently to join them. They make room for me next to Lív and I ask her silently what's going on, while slinging the bag of snacks on to the table between their own litter of treats.

"It's visitors." She says in a half whisper, only shortly taking her eyes from the sky to greet me, putting a hand on my thigh. "Magni and Modi, visiting their sister." Her hand squeezes slightly in reaction to every clap of thunder.

"It's their hammer making the thunder," another swan maiden adds. "Mjölnir - Their father's inherritance."

"No way!" I let slip, before stopping myself again. Reminding myself that they are just fae like us and not gods. We have studied the stories of course, so I know who they are - and what they are. But a chance to see them - and such a historical artifact - up close still gets to me.

"Not just a visit," a third swan maiden retorts. "They are here with a request. And something big probably!"

"Maybe they are on the lookout for wives," the second one teases, and the others start giggling suggestively to each other.

I spot Thrud rising from another table, and I hug Lív from behind before I stand to meet our Dís.

"Oh, Alea. How grand of you to join us today" she says with a smile, as we meet at the end of the tables. "Were you summoned?"

Summoned? "Uh, no, I just felt like visiting. Why- what do you mean?"

"Oh, well, It's nice seeing you regardless. Today is a rare occation - my brothers are visiting and tonight we are having a feast in their honor. You are staying, I hope. I'm sure the boys would love to meet you too."

"How could I say no," I reply. Not intimidated by the thought of meeting the boys at all. I feel all kinds of awkward suddently. "Uh, can I help with anything, while I'm here?" Just to occupy my mind. Thrud is as much as they are, and I never felt starstruck around her. Maybe because I've known her since I was a kid. And she's pretty down to earth - they probably are too. Just immortal boys swinging an immensely powerful magical artifact for fun outside.

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Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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