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The Golden Dream, a Shrine of Lies, the Fair Folks refuge

Dralio is the largest and easternmost of the city-states in the Crimson Gulf, being a major hub of trade between all the western bits of civilization including Talonto, Duryad and even as far as Mekrashov. It has a strong connection with The Gold Snakes , to the point that they allegedly run the city. Though "most anything is legal" in Dralio, it is still a member of The Nympharum Concord. E. Devor described the city as being near the coast of Sailors Grave, but it is a fair distance northeast of those rough waters and shielded by the Cheldali Peninsula.


Perhaps surprisingly, since the Seventh Age of the Dryadalis Dominion, the city did not have a full wall around it. Even so, the city have proven itself as very difficult to place under siege due to its massive size. Moreover, because of its walled Districts and wards—as described below—it would be next to impossible to march an army deep into Dralio.    

The Illustrious Band of Dralio

  The fighting force that protects Dralio is comprised of the famed The Illustrious Band of Dralio, 2000-strong elite unit of well-equipped, loyal, and close-knit mounted troops. For a city guard, they outmatch the armies of whole realms. They are not only the guards and secret police of the city, they also patrolled the River Merdeen and surrounding roads, and escorted caravans from Cellor to Port Bloodshade. They maintain guardhouses in the Cheldali Peninsula and warning beacons in the surrounding farmlands. As well as significant raids, expeditions, and punitive assaults on aggressive demihumans are commanded by Marquis-Marshal Guardiola, the High Cavalier. All members of the Illustrious Band are required to give a tenth of their earnings to Dralio's coffers.  

Other Defenses

  The Concorde Guardsmen, also known as the Emerald Enforcers policed Dralio's streets while the The Illustrious Band of Dralio protected the city from external threats and possible domestic sabotage. The Old Guard, all veterans from the Guardsmen, are responsible for the security of the The Peridot Post district, Goldkrait Castle, and its environs.

Industry & Trade

During the late autumn time, wagons and carts overcrowded the markets as foreign vendors attempted to sell as much as possible before returning home for the winter. This was a practice ignored by the Guard, the Watch, and the guilds.


As a major hub of trade and travel built around a massive port, Dralio is an energetic center of commerce and culture that also attracts criminals and the poor; the opulent inner city contrasts with the squalor of the outer wards, despite the latter's best efforts to add color. The city is also a center of naval power, as a quarter of the Driadiallor's fleet is concentrated near the city. The city's cultural diversity is reflected in a dizzying array of architecture.   The city is built on a series of leveled hills where the Merdeen River meets the Crimson Gulf.


Docks District

  The docks on the northern and wouhtern sides of the city are the Open Dock and the King's Quay. Far below the waves are broken and long silt-covered remnants of ships that have sunk in this harbor. There are dozens of ships in the middle of the harbor, and many more are anchored within the docks.  

Peridot Post District

The Peridot Post district of Dralio is the oldest district of the town. It is where the wealthier merchants and clientele seem to congregate. Dralio originally comprised only this district before it expanded outwards over time.  

The Temple District

The Temple District is dedicated to the worship of The goddess Arden Steelskin. Its priesthood is the warriors of the Order of Iron. The Corecut Road leads into the Warden District.  

Peasants' District

Also known as the Quarters of the Unclean, it is an area of Dralio where according to Lyanor Rafela Driadialor , most of the riffraff and the common folk live. This quarter lay outside of the protective walls of the city. It is crowded with small hovels that lean against each other for support. Tiny walkways are present but are easily congested. Thieves can easily disappear within the cramped confines of Muktown. It is the squallid, more affordable residential area of town. Morthos Creed and Lavandra hail from Muktown.  

Undercity District

Points of interest

Inns, Festhalls, & Taverns

  • The Drunken Tub: a moored ship repurposed as a tavern for pirates and sailors, located in Peasants District
  • The Pink Pearl: An esteemed hotel where the Lusty Lady Lavandra performs. Morthos grew up around this hotel, located in Peridot Post District'
  • The Tipsy Triton: This lively inn, which feature loud music and furnishings, is quite popular among Dralio's younger bar patrons.
  • The Sloshed Serpent: Located deep in the Docks District, at the intersection of Saltspray Street and Varmint Way. Mostly frequented by merchants, drovers and caravan guards, it is infamous for the sea snake stew they served.
  • Pint Palace: A filthy dive on Saltspray Street in the whose patrons stumbled and fought out into the streets.
  • Cutlass & Keg: This inn and tavern was frequented by city guards, located in Peridot Post district

Shops & Businesses

  • Steel Ideal: The Nymphiard branch of the Scorch and Cinder's Sublime Creations Operated by Khannah Hellkiln and Jehm Hellkiln, this smithy forges intricate items and has rows and racks of various pieces of armour and weapons on display on the inside. This establishment is also the proud supplier of The Murderous Maiden's Marvels
  • Wizard's Glamour & Groovy: an inconspicuous clothing shop located within a once-magnificent tower.
  • Sage's Sundries: an out-of-the-way specialty shop that catered to those interested in the arcane arts.
  • Murderous Maiden's Marvels: The shop of Gloria and Esteban Guerrero, that specialized in all sorts of weaponry, from the most humble dagger to imposing Guisarme.

Temples & Religious Sites

  • The Saltmother's Lighthouse: located in the center of the harbor is the temple to the ocean goddess Shiera Stormsong .
  • Statue of Valiant Warden: Atop the House of Steel, a gargantuan statue of Arden loomed over the entire district. The statue depicted an armored titan of a figure standing heroically with a gleaming helmet, bracers on her arms, and one knee raised.
  • The House of Steel: The local sacred temple to the patron god, Arden. It also served as a meditation and physical training center.


  • Muktown ; Also known as The Beggars Nest is the name given to the slums of the city. It is a run-down ward located on the outside of the settlement's outer walls. It was a slum where the city's poorest residents lived in dilapidated buildings stacked upon one another running along the banks of the Merdeen River. It was a gritty contrast to the vibrancy of the wards that lay within the walls. The Beggar's Nest comprised the southeast quadrant of the city. It was named for the district's inhabitants, the poorest of Dralio.
  • Goldkrait Castle: The most notable site of the city is arguably Goldkrait Castle, the majestic castle-palace of Dralio and home of the High Prince and his relatives, which is carved from white stone with gold and jade latticework.This lavish and imposing palace, located in the Peridot Post District serves as a symbol of the Concord.
Alternative Name(s)
Dralio the Golden Dream, The Metropolis of Multitudes
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