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Turulsul, or the World Tree, is one of the most remarkable and recognizable landmarks in all of Uskara. Reaching out to the Heavens and breaching through much of the Misty Mantle, it is visible from as far as Algoboa and Ornassus, and the tips of its silvery branches can be seen even in Zafara during a full eclipse. Turulsul does not resemble a tree much at all, a twisting but organic shape reaching upwards like fractal claws. The substance it is formed of looks somewhat like bone, but underneath the surface if one breaks is are metallic filaments that are almost fluid, like quicksilver. It gleams brightly in the light, and even gives off a faint glow during the night, making it especially visible then (and a useful landmark for navigating overland travel for all Talireans).   The base of the World Tree, found north of Cimmeria, has formed mountains of a sort as stone and dirt has piled upon its above-ground roots, called Cadar Idris, named such because it was here that St. Idrian defeated Asmodeus in personal combat and thwarted his attempt to erect a Leaden Ladder with Turunsul as its base in order to storm the Heavens. The World Tree is also hollow, and one can move through its "veins" and various organ-like chambers. Any who have traveled through its miraculous halls would tell you that it is a living thing, with a volition of its own. Its roots, the Urdena, are more like a mycorrhizal network (on a titanic scale) weaving through the soil and the Underworld. If one knows the paths, you can use them to travel almost anywhere in the world you wish, and perhaps even beyond. A shame about the monsters.   Indeed, the World Tree grows from the corpse of Nogad, and is its Throne, after a fashion, ruling over the Principle of Life. The World Tree rejuvenates the world after each Apocalypse, its coppery "sap" seeping into the rivers and soils of the world. However, it also can cause flesh to quicken and twist, especially under the influence of the White Moon. Most famous of the monsters spawned by the World Tree were called the tarrasques, of which only one is known to have survived, and the Tarrasque acts as the Tree's guardian to this day.
Alternative Name(s)
The World Tree

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