Cmn. Allen Kelmp (Al-en Kelmmp)

Allen Kelmp is a Yeoman serving on the USS Orpheus (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

When Kelmp was first interviewed he calmly told the evaluator that shortly before his parents died a shadow had grabbed him from behind and forced itself into Kelmp's body through his mouth. Since then Kelmp has heard demonic whispers and there is some kind of dark power inside of him that when unleashed brings death and disaster to everyone around him. He joined Starfleet hoping that whatever connection he had with this evil spirit or demon would be severed if he was able to leave the planet.   After finishing this story Kelmp was immediately remanded for psychiatric treatment but after a panel of further tests there were no signs of anything psychologically wrong and from that point on he never mentioned this "demon" again. He has since passed that off as an ill-advised joke and all further psychological evaluations have shown him to be perfectly mundane, even in wake of the series of tragedies has followed him through his service record.   It is noted that he is very introverted and spends most of his free time alone and does not make any close attachments to his coworkers.   ADDENDUM: Since the discovery that "demons" from an alternate dimension are real and not a hallucination Kelmp has begun opening up and his psychological profile is showing reduced signs of depression and stress. Now that he is no longer believed to be a mentally unstable psychopath that murdered his entire crew it is our hope that he might stabilize to the point where he can begin developing a social support structure.  

Biographical Overview

Kelmp was born on the Arthas Elana, a private courier service ship. In 2354 the ship was destroyed by unknown forces but his parents were able to get Kelmp into an escape pod that landed on a remote world. Both of his parents died in the impact but Kelmp was saved by a rescue ship and taken in for adoption. Records show he never found a good fit and from 2360-2364 there are no records of him in any Federation system. In 2365 he was found half-starved and nearly frozen in the Rocky Mountains and after being cleared from medical was re-enrolled in school. He barely graduated and was ineligible for higher education. He enlisted into Starfleet and requested immediate assignment off planet. Due to his preliminary psychological evaluation (see above) he was denied this and was instead assigned to Earth planetary administration. Every year he requested transfer to a starship and in 2370 he was assigned to Starbase 49. He continued to serve without distinction and continued to apply for every starship crew that he could and every time it was denied. In 2372 with rising conflicts with The Dominion he was finally assigned to a starship, the USS Shario Locke. Within two weeks of his arrival the ship was destroyed, likely in a Dominion or Cardassian ambush, and Kelmp was the only survivor. He was then re-assigned to the USS Far Rence where he served without distinction until it was destroyed in 2373, likely in a Dominion or Cardassian ambush, where Kelmp was the only survivor. He was assigned to the USS Brovale in 2373 however four weeks after his assignment the ship was destroyed, likely in a Dominion or Cardassian ambush, where Kelmp was the only survivor. For the remainder of the Dominion war he was assigned to Starbase 16 where he served without distinction. In 2376 he was assigned to the USS Taccram which was destroyed six weeks after his arrival, cause unknown, where Kelmp was the only survivor.   NOTE: It is highly improbable that Kelmp would be the only survivor on four different starships and be unable to identify what happened. In all cases he was off-duty at the time of the attack and multiple investigations that the ships were destroyed by outside influences and not because of sabotage. Of note was in every case there was a comm disruption within one hour prior to the attack and the ship's computer core did not survive and the small amount of debris provided no further details.   ADDENDUM: In 2377 extra-dimensional portals began appearing all over the ship. Kelmp alerted the crew that these are the "demons" he kept warning everyone about and extra-dimensional invaders started appearing and attacking the crew. While the invaders were able to be taken down with phaser fire the portals that continued to allow more to board the ship had some kind of impervious phased field around them. Lt. Kixi was able to discover that Kelmp's' natural phase state allowed him to bypass this protection and modifying weapons to mimic this field allowed the portals to be destroyed before the ship was overrun. After discovering that the demons were real and having more survivors than just Kelmp it was discovered that the natural energy produced by these creatures interfered with standard sensors which is why there had never been any evidence prior of these "invasions." It is noted that the invaders were very hostile and there appeared to be massive numbers in the "other dimension" that were rushing towards the portals before they were collapsed.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

The demonic invasion was a very close call on the ship. Without the efforts of Kelmp working with the Nightingale's science department the ship would have likely been overrun within moments. It was a difficult decision recommending that he stay on board as the demons seem to be drawn to Kelmp for some reason. Our scientists believe it could be that the same quantum resonance that allowed us to develop tools to close the portals that Kelmp exhibits might also be what allows them to cross over in the first place. It was with that regard that my recommendation is that Kelmp remain on deep space exploration assignments until a permanent solution can be developed just in case the portals reopen around him while he is located on Earth or another inhabited planet.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Despite her being absent, it is Starfleet Command's belief that Captain Lewis' assessment of Kelmp is correct and when the USS Nightingale was recalled for repairs, Kelmp was immediately re-assigned to the USS Orpheus which would take its place exploring the Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
USS Taccram (2376-2376)
Starbase 16 (2373-2376)
USS Brovale (2373-2373)
USS Far Rence (2372-2373)
USS Shario Locke (2372-2372)
Starbase 49 (2370-2372)
Starfleet Administration (2366-2370)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 4th, 2348
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations