Lt. Cmdr. Paxton Kixi (Kick-zee Pax-ton)

Paxton Kixi is the Chief Science Officer on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Paxton Kixi, as with most Joined Trills, is difficult to profile as it is a gestalt of two minds. The Paxton personality is very methodical and cerebral with a narrow-minded focus towards science and technology. The Kixi personality is very gregarious, focused on creating and maintaining deep personal connections with those around him, even at the expense of his own duties and responsibilities. The end result is a series of inconsistent behaviors where during missions he is focused on the task at hand while when off-duty he maintains very little of a personal life instead spending his time socializing with those around him. It is noted with some concern that the Paxton symbiont has a history of reckless behavior and an immortality complex and has been known to put its hosts in unnecessary danger although this behavior has not been particularly pronounced so far in its current iteration.   NOTE: In 2378 Paxton Kixi indulged in a currently unidentified Xanid narcotic that severed the connection between host and symbionts. The Trill Guardians are currently undertaking research to investigate this chemical and synthesize a counter agent.  

Biographical History

As with many Trill, Paxton worked hard to excel in his studies as a child to qualify for a symbiont. Focusing on the sciences, Paxton excelled in space theory, astrophysics, and warp theory. He graduated at the top of his class throughout his primary and secondary education and was fast tracked into the selection process at only 18 years old as one of the younger candidates in the selection cohort. Paxton was selected to be joined with the symbiont Kixi and were successfully joined in 2370. Almost immediately the Kixi personality derailed Paxton's ambitions of going into research and development and instead the now joined Paxton Kixi enlisted in Starfleet where his application was quickly selected.   Despite having attended Starfleet Academy several times before, Paxton Kixi struggled to maintain passing grades in his classes. It is noted that he seemed focused on an active social life where he was involved in many extracurricular activities and organizations even at the expense of his own academic career. The Paxton influence routed him into the Sciences where he continued to develop his astrophysics degree.   For his senior year Paxton Kixi was selected to do an observation tour on the USS Oberon. During the voyage a subspace anomaly caused a critical malfunction with the warp core into a tetryon cascade that threatened to overload the core. Cpt. Sidvar Lonkunsh order an evacuation however Paxton Kixi stayed behind and used an experimental transporter repair solution developed by a prior Kixi host to halt the cascade and prevent a core overload.   It was because of this action that Cpt. Lonkunsh put in a specific request to have Paxton Kixi assigned as his Chief Science Officer upon graduation. Paxton Kixi was on the surface of Seku VI and was able to successfully decipher enough of the alien technology to prevent the planet from exploding. It is noted that he is the first person to successfully interface with that technology and his actions of targeting the Unknown Alien Dreadnaught with a powerful subspace impulse beam was directly responsible for a pathway opening up into the previously unexplored Typhon Expanse.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Kixi exemplifies the best and worst parts of the Trill. Building on a lifetime of knowledge he has demonstrated his value by saving the ship time and time again and as an individual his performance is beyond compare. It is when one looks at him from a leadership perspective that his abilities diminish. While he is incredibly sociable and his taken it upon himself to be an informal morale officer helping the crew navigate the social complexities of a longer term deployment in remote space, he is neglectful of the mundane responsibilties for a department head. I have recevied several complaints from our civilian scientists that he provides little guidance or direction for them and they have spent time and energy circumventing his authority when they require additional support or resources from other departments. Ultimately if a problem captures his attention I couldn't ask for a more capable scientist and engineer but when it comes to all the mundane chores required to keep things running that is where there is ample opportunity for improvement.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

In the aftermath of Cpt. Lewis being possessed, Kixi was called back to Earth to do a formal debriefing of the Morghi society and technology. In recognition of his achievements in disrupting the Tzynn Star Empire's attacks on the Starlight Alliance through the use of unconventional application of stellar energy, Kixi was granted a promotion and has been temporarily re-assigned to the USS Orpheus while the USS Nightingale undergoes repairs.
Starfleet Academy Class
2376, 75th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
USS Oberon (2376-2076)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 1st, 2352
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations