Cmn. Jujub (Juh-jub)

Jubjub is an engineering crewman assigned to damage control on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

It is worth noting that psychological data for Roylans is very limited due to their tendency to be mostly nonverbal and noncommunicative. While this does limit their promotion prospects there are few complaints about their effectiveness as technicians, especially as their small stature and resilient skin makes them ideal for crawling through debris and Jefferies tubes alike. Few Roylans leave their homeworld so just by that data point it is clear Jubjub has an adventurous spirit that drives him out where few of his species ever go. Beyond that his coworkers describe him as inquisitive and helpful but beyond that there is little ability to decipher the Roylan mind.   NOTE: Jubjub is often seen silently following around Po. Jammer when off-duty. It is unclear if this is a friendship or mentorship or something specific to Roylan culture but when off duty the two are seldom seen apart.    Biographical Overview As typical for Roylans, not much is known about Jubjub's history prior to him leaving Royla in 2370. After migrating to Mars he worked a few local jobs as a handyman or technician before being picked up by a Starfleet recruiter and was enlisted as a technician. It was difficult to determine his preferred assignment path however when he was assigned to the USS Nightingale in 2372 there seemed to be no objections and he has served as a capable, if quiet, damage control technician ever since.  ADDENDUM: Cpt. Lewis has put in for a commendation due to his excellent performance in conducting emergency repairs while the Nightingale was under attack by the IRW Raknor.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2372-present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 23rd, 2343
Year of Birth
2343 38 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations