Po. Camden "Birdman" Jammer (Cam-den Jam-mer)

Camden Jammer was the lead of a Damage Control team on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Jammer's early psychological evaluation shows an almost perfect Starfleet NCO. He was professional, skilled, and dedicated to both his work and the ideals of Starfleet. Losing his wife and having to fight for custody of his children has diminished that and while he is still very skilled his focus on his work isn't quite as complete and he has picked up some unusual peculiarities that are likely symptoms of the grieving process. He refuses to admit that he is divorced and instead has created a fantasy where his wife has died instead. Even when directly confronted with the evidence that she is alive he will excuse it as a mirror universe double or a transporter accident clone or a shapeshifter. While enabling these types of fantasies aren't healthy for now it is decided not to press the issue and see if time helps him better process his feelings so he is better able to face the truth. He has also become incredibly attached to his pet bird and refuses to go anywhere without it.   NOTE: While it is against Starfleet regulations to have pets on board, his bird is being classified as medical treatment as the companionship has shown to have a dramatic effect in staving off depression and feelings of loneliness in Jammer. The other crew has started referring to him as "Birdman" and while he seems to like living into that moniker, senior officers are advised not to refer to him in that way.   ADDENDUM: Almost immediately after assignment, Cmn. Jubjub has followed Jammer around silently during their off hours. It is unclear if this is just a friendship or mentorship or something else as Jammer has no idea why Jubjub follows him and Roylans are notoriously noncommunicative. Jammer seems to enjoy Jubjub's company.   ADDENDUM: Jammer seems quite depressed that his bird died during the dinosaur attack (see notes below) and has put in a request for a new pet bird. Cpt. Lewis has denied this request.  

Biographical Overview

Jammer was born on a starfleet ship after its intended return to an outpost was delayed by three weeks due to a subspace anomaly disabling warp engines for over a month. Jammer seemed destined from birth to become an engineer, excelling at his studies and being encouraged by his parents to head towards becoming a chief engineer on a starship. The day of his Academy entrance exams his parents, both serving on the same starship, died when their ship was destroyed by a Crystalline Entity. He found out shortly before taking the exams which he skipped entirely. Adrift for a few years he eventually recovered and instead of applying for the Academy again he enlisted as a technician instead. At first he was stationed planetside but in 2354 he was assigned to Starbase 114 where his hard work and skills resulted in a promotion and reassignment to Starbase 22 in 2357 and then again to help teach at the Academy for a 4 year rotation from 2361-2365. While teaching he met a young cadet and once she had graduated the two began dating and eventually married in 2364. He was reassigned to the Tsushima in 2365 but he opted for another round at the Academy in 2369 to stay close to his wife and children.   Due to his excellent work record and decades of experience, Jammer was offered a position on the USS Defiant, the prototype starship that would go on to prove instrumental in the Dominion War. He took the position and left Earth however once the Dominion War broke out his wife filed for divorce and he put in a transfer to a non-combat ship. Given the emotional toll his separation and divorce had on him, it was granted and he was reassigned to the USS Nightingale in 2372 where he has served with distinction.   ADDENDUM: Acting Cpt. Lewis has put in a commendation for Jammer due to his dedication and performance keeping the Nightingale intact during the IRW Raknor attack. During the attack he was badly wounded but still managed to keep working to repair the ship. He was fitted for cybernetics in 2377.   ADDENDUM: Jammer's pet bird laid an egg that had an adverse reaction with a stellar phenomenon resulting in the bird being "de-evolved" by millions of years into a giant dinosaur that rampaged through the cargo bay.  

Update 2377 Update - Captain Lewis

No. No no no no no no. No we are not getting another bird after what happened the last time.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Divorced (Harley Williamson), 3 kids
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2372-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Defiant (2370-2371)
Starfleet Academy (2369-2370)
USS Tsushima (2365-2369)
Starfleet Academy (2361-2365)
Starbase 22 (2357-2361)
Starbase 114 (2354-2357)
Mars Administration(2351-2353)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 19th, 2331
Year of Birth
2331 50 Years old
USS Tolstoy
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations