Po. Veronica McBride

Veronica McBride is a security team lead assigned to the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Team).  

Psychological Profile

Sometime in her childhood McBride was exposed to a Ferengi Fight League broadcast and she became a lifelong fan ever since. She is an active member in several Fight League communities and has been observing and analyzing fights since she was a teenager. This has given her very keen understanding of tactics in hand-to-hand combat. This has not translated directly into the ability to execute these tactics. Her small frame is a major limiting factor in physical confrontations and her hand-eye coordination is around average for a Federation security officer. She is very eager to learn advanced combat techniques and often tries to advance before mastering the basics and establishing a foundation necessary. Superiors are cautioned that she may try to execute maneuvers that she is untrained in and during training sessions she has accidentally injured herself and her sparring partners over the course of her career in Starfleet.  

Biographical Overview

McBride was born on a merchant freighter that conducted trade between Federation and Klingon colonies. Although she is full-blooded Bajoran she is unaware of her biological parents and was raised by human Federation citizens instead. She lived on the starship but her parents enrolled her in remote education courses although being on a starship proved to be rather disruptive to her education and while she seemed to have the potential for advancing to higher education the amount of incomplete assignments and gaps in her learning brought her below the cut off point for Starfleet Academy. She instead enlisted directly into Starfleet security. Her first assignment was on Starbase 46 where she served with distinction before transferring to Starbase 12 to  be closer to her family.  In 2374 she was reassigned to serve on the USS Aquitaine during the Dominion War although the Aquitaine mostly served logistics and supports and saw only a couple engagements with Dominion forces. In 2377 she was selected to transfer to the USS Nightingale in its exploration of the Typhon Expanse.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Digging through Cpt. Lewis records has revealed a very complicated set of events in the past two years. Despite her small physical stature she has thrown herself into combat training against Cmn. Thomassen and Po. Keenzaar resulting in an unprecedented number of time spent in medical healing bruises, lacerations, and broken bones. Despite this she has continued to pursue training and over the years she developed considerable combat skills as well as exceptional resiliency to keep going despite pain and injury. On top of this, she appears to have entered into an unreported romantic relationship with Lt. Cmdr. Kixi. While they are part of different departments and does not violate any direct regulations, the lack of a formal filling is concerning given the lenght of time it appears they were in a relationship then. She has been part of several direct combat situations, including the assassination attempt on King Diocourides and a boarding action against Hazbuzi pirates. Her perfomrance has been excellent and yet unexpectedly she requested immediate transfer off of the USS Nightingale. My opinion is this is a result of the dissolution of her romantic involvement with Lt. Kixi.   Unexpectedly she put in an application to the USS Orpheus just before Lt. Kixi was re-assigned to it resulting in her going right back to serving on the same ship as him. It appears Lt. Cmdr. Colt notified her of the situation and she agreed to take the position anyway. As part of this transfer a promotion to Petty Officer was authorized and she is now leading a security team due to her years of combat experience and high performance.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
USS Aquitaine (2374-2376)
Starbase 12 (2372-2374)
Starbase 46 (2370-2372)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 24th, 2354
Year of Birth
2354 27 Years old
S.S. Andromeda's Halo
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations