Cmn. Totel Rallak (Toe-tell Rahl-leck)

Totel Rallak is a warp core technician working on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Daliwakans are noted to be difficult to evaluate as their physiology displays no obvious tells when they are lying. The evaluator assigned to Rallak has done their best to validate his answers however it is important to note that any or all of it could be complete fabrication. Rallak is charming and displays both the ability and tendency to push his crewmembers into excessive celebration typically involving inebriation. Despite his frequent parties he has only been cited for being inebriated on the job early in his career and he seems to take his work very carefully. The only issue is that once his shift is over he can prove to be both very good at building morale as well as very disruptive as the crew that goes to his party don't typically have a Daliwakan's speedy metabolism to sober up by the time their shifts start.   NOTE: Recent evaluations are showing a deep romantic connection between Rallak and Cmn. Boyle. Due to working in close proximity on the same engineering team it is recommended that either Boyle or Rallak be rotated to a different team in order to create professional distance between them.  

Biographical Overview

Rallak was born on Daliwaka as the youngest of four to the chief Daliwakan ambassadors to the  Federation. He grew up in a privileged and influential household and based on local records he used that influence to throw, in the words of his friends, "epic ragers". Rallak's parties would often result in planetary security being called, fines levied for vandalism and disruption, and voided any scholarships or grants that might have been coming his way. Despite his social activities he proved to be an excellent student graduating at the top of his primary education cohort and easily gaining entrance into Starfleet Academy in 2370. His tenure at the Academy was short lived however as he was expelled three months later for throwing a party that ended up closing the Archer Science Annex for the entire semester.    Rallak didn't let this deter him from a life in Starfleet and turned around and almost immediately applied to enlist. Given his recent expulsion his enlistment was sent to review but in 2371 it was finally accepted and he was assigned to the USS Charlemagne where he served for many years. The captain of the Charlemagne seemed to have infinite patience as while Rallak spent a large amount of time confined to the ship's brig due to his after hours antics, the captain never requested for his transfer or expulsion from Starfleet. When the next captain was assigned to the Charlemagne in 2376, however, Rallak was swiftly expelled from the ship. He spent most of 2376 waiting another assignment and it was during this time that he encountered Cmn. Boyle, offering her shelter while he awaited his next assignment. Due to having almost its entire engineering staff wiped out in a Romulan attack, Rallak has been tentatively assigned to the USS Nightingale in its exploration of the Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Charlemagne (2371-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 22nd, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations