Po. Tenley Boyle

Tenley Boyle is a shuttlecraft technician working on the USS Orpheus. (Gamma Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Boyle is an excellent exemplar of Starfleet principals and the quality of her work and personality are on display every second of the day. It is obviously a testament to her upbringing and education that she can display such high skill and quality of character.   NOTE: The previous evaluator was under the impression that Boyle's parents would be reviewing this file and may have given an inaccurate assessment. The results of a secondary evaluation by a senior advisor are as follows.   If it wasn't for her excellent work it is unlikely Boyle would ever have found an assignment off planet. She can be insubordinate and demeaning and has even threatened evaluators by acting like her parents will personally get involved if the results aren't to her liking. When questioned as part of background research both her parents have effectively disowned Boyle and have explicitly requested no further contact.   Despite her rebellious attitude, her work remains without reproach. Her trainers in Starfleet have given her high marks and she is already being noted for her excellent work. She would normally be easy to mark for advancement however her toxic personality needs tremendous improvement before she can be trusted to command others or interface with other teams.   NOTE: Recent evaluations are showing a deep romantic connection between Boyle and Cmn. Rallak. Due to working in close proximity on the same engineering team it is recommended that either Boyle or Rallak be rotated to a different team in order to create professional distance between them.   ADDENDUM: Tenlay has shown herself to be both a self-trained expert in hologram programming as well as artificial machine intelligence. She has a personal project that involves using an AI to teach itself to program hyper-realistic holodeck programs. Unfortunately the first product of this revolutionary process appears to be a parody that portrays the Nightingale's officers as grotesque charicatures of themselves.  

Biographical Overview

Boyle was born on Earth as the only daughter of Admiral Sebastian Boyle and Admiral Caitlin Boyle. While she was growing up both her parents were captains on different starships and she spent her childhood rotating between the USS Tigris and the USS Jutland. Once her mother was promoted to Admiral in 2364 she was finally given a permanent home on Earth, although her father wasn't able to join them until 2367. Boyle showed great aptitude for engineering at a young age and her parents used their influence in Starfleet to give her every opportunity to grow and develop those skills. Preliminary scoring in 2373 showed her to be in the 85th percentile of Starfleet engineers despite only being 16 at the time.   Despite her successes there are dozens of minor complaints about her conduct during school. Officially nothing appears until 2374 however there are gaps in her record that suggest things may have been expunged. In 2374 there was an incident where she got into a physical altercation with another student that resulted in campus security being called. She skipped her Starfleet entrance examinations and instead was caught by security spraying graffiti on her high school campus buildings. Throughout 2374 and 2375 there are eight other incidents of vandalism, petty theft, and possession of illicit narcotics. Shortly after her 18th birthday in 2375 security was called to her home and she was forcibly evicted by her parents. The rest of the year shows her to have been a suspect in a few minor crimes related to vagrancy but in 2376 she seems to have encountered Cmn. Rallak who was on shore leave at the time. A few days later she was added as an authorized guest for Rallak's apartment where she seems to have been staying. In early 2376 she enlisted as a Starfleet technician and given her education and background it was no surprise that she quickly achieved top certification in various engineering tracks including warp core maintenance. She declined two other assignments in order to specifically request service on the USS Nightingale.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

In a surprising move, Boyle has decided to transfer to the USS Orpheus in order to continue the exploration of the Typhon Expanse. Her personality profile wouldn't indicate any particular ambition and without any coordinating supervisor reports the request is unexpected however her work continues to be exemplary and there is no reason to deny the USS Orpheus a talented technician.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
September 22nd, 2357
Year of Birth
2358 23 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations