Cmn. Vega Ten

Vega Ten is a crewmen serving on the New Hope Security Team on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Vega Ten's upbringing and struggles as a teenager have shaped her complex personality. Her unshakeable determination and resiliency in the face of danger stem from her sense of self-reliance. Despite her academic struggles, she acknowledges her own limitations and strives to improve. She is dedicated to her role as a security crewman and to her recent marriage. Her father's political background instilled in her a sense of duty to the greater good, but she also challenges authority when she feels it is unjust. Vega Ten's experience with a rogue psychic alien has left her with a deep fear of psychic species but also a strong mental resistance to their powers, demonstrating her strength in adversity.   NOTE: She has a known history of conflict with Lt. JG Cardack from their time together on the USS Hargood and supervisors should be aware of this to look out for signs of new conflicts.  

Biographical Overview

Vega Ten, born to a prominent politician on Deneb IV, struggled academically and rebelled against her father's expectations. To get away from her father's influence she enlisted within Starfleet where her time spent playing holographic action and adventure games resulted in an aptitude for both heavy weapons operations and crime scene forensics. In 2371 she was placed on the USS Hargood where she served with competence until 2375 when her ship was taken over by a rogue Betazoid that used his psychic influence to take over key members of the crew. The ultimate purpose was to use Ten as leverage to blackmail her father however Ten was able to break free of the psychic influence and kill the rogue psychic and freed the ship from mental control.   In 2377 she was requested re-assignment and was placed on the USS Nightingale during its exploration of the Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Married - Nuabu Ten
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Hargood (2371-2377)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 3rd, 2352
Year of Birth
2351 30 Years old
Deneb IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations