Lt. Cardack (Car-dack)

Cardack is a Stellar Cartography officer serving on the USS Orpheus (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Benzites are noted for their incredible and exacting work ethics but it would be unwise to let that stereotype apply to Cardack. Cardack looks at his work in a very pragmatic level without always considering long term implications to short term solutions. While he complete a task given to him successfully this has sometimes been achieved through cutting corners or twisting the intention of the assignment. During his time at the Academy when given a task to create a computer program to solve complex problems he instead created an algorithm that was able to hack into the professor's database of answers. While technically he found the solution, the method of achieving that answer was unsatisfactory. Even with this consideration he is an exemplary Starfleet officer and superiors are asked to help guide him towards considering longer term solutions as part of his personal growth.   Since being stationed together, Cardack and Lt. Th'rhyhlarh  have logged over 200 hours of joint holodeck time together.   NOTE: Despite just recently being assigned to work together, Cardack is developing a fast friendship with Lt. JG Lecerf.  

Biographical Overview

Cardack's parents emigrated from Benzar shortly before he was born. His father was working with Federation technicians to set up irrigation and power channels on the planet surface in preparation for terraforming efforts. His mother worked as a liaison between the two governments as the terms of their involvement and engagement were set very strictly. Cardack however disobeyed both his government and his parents by lending assistance to the Federation technicians above and beyond what the contract had called for. This resulted in severe chastisement of Cardack and when it threatened to impair his future prospects he left the colony entirely and enrolled in Starfleet Academy as a foreign exchange student.   Between his background and his natural abilities he excelled at the Academy and was posted as a junior officer on the USS Enterprise-D where he served until it was destroyed at the Battle of Veridian III. Cardack survived the crash and when he had recovered was reassigned to the USS Hargood where he remained when the Hargood was redeployed to fight the Dominion on the front lines. He displayed great skill during the fight however was not marked for further promotion. Instead when the conflict resolved he put in a transfer request as a pathway towards better advancement opportunities.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Cardack has proven to be highly reliable sensor operator and his methodical mindset is a good partner to the creative but uneven approach of Lt. Kixi.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

When the USS Nightingale was recalled for repairs, Cardack was selected to transfer over to the USS Orpheus to contine exploration efforts within the Typhon Expanse. In recognition of his service on board the Nightingale he was promoted to full Lieutenant as part of this transfer.
Starfleet Academy Class
2370, 90th Percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2375-2379)
USS Hargood (2371-2375)
USS Enterprise-D (2370-2371)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 15th, 2348
Year of Birth
2348 33 Years old
Xiwa Gamma II
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations