Cpt. Theema Clearwater

Theema Clearwater was an army captain for one of the major factions on Orgun II.
In 2377 a Morghi reactor buried deep below the surface began to malfunction. The crew of the USS Nightingale attempted to investigate but were hampered by the fact that Lormeans were pre-warp and the Prime Directive was in play. An away team attempted to investigate quietly but Clearwater and her troops were able to corner the away team and take them captive.
While Clearwater wanted to treat them as hostile invaders, she was superceded by Dr. Jaytoo Fairweather who had been appointed by their head of state to investigate the earthquakes being triggered by the malfunctioning reactor.   In the end, Fairweather had the Starfleet officers released and together they were able to investigate the Morghi ruins and buy the Lormeans a few more months to evacuate to nearby Orgun III.   As of 2377 Clearwater was part of the evacuation of about one million Lormeans to Orgun III to create a new start for their species. Orgun II meanwihle cracked apart triggering a massive planetwide extinction-level event that turned the planet uninhabitable.
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
2342 39 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations