Cdt. Jaytoo Fairweather

Jaytoo Fairweather is a Starfleet cadet xenohistorian working on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

A psychological evaluation of a Lormean has never been performed before so it is difficult to differentiate between baseline Lormean psychology and Fairweather's particular profile. Fairweather is processing the trauma and grief of her species likely impending extinction by focusing obsessively on her research. It is believed to be a coping mechanism to create some kind of lasting impact or reason for her and/or her species to have existed. She believes if she can help solve the mystery of the alien precursors then perhaps her species could be saved, or at least remembered. A full understanding of the Lormean grief process has not been established before and so Fairweather is flagged for supplemental psyche evaluations until a better measure of her mental stability can be determined. Paradoxically despite the circumstances that brought her to the USS Nightingale she seems almost ecstatic to be traveling the stars and learning about new worlds and cultures and has been foregoing sleep in order to maximize reading of the ship's database.   

Biographical Overview

Fairweather was born on Orgun II in one of the capital cities for the Lormeans. Even at a young age she showed extreme interest in the "Nether Gates" as local myths described the alien vaults left behind by some powerful precursor species. Scholars had been studying the Nether Gates for thousands of years with no progress or success and so the field had fallen it less of a hard science and more into a philisophical discuss about what could be behind the gates. Fairweather's passion in the field allowed her to quickly become the leading expert among all Lormeans about the gates, although she will be the first to admit there wasn't much competition for this title.    Her research was continuing without any tangible progress until 2376 when the ancient technology underneath the surface of Orgun II began to awaken. The Lormeans were not technologically advanced enough to detect the subspace signals but through  observation they were able to pinpoint the earthquakes ripping through the world to points in the center of the ancient alien facilities. Almost overnight she went from an obscure niche researcher to one of the most important experts on the planet. Her home nation put their entire research and military under her direction in hopes there would be some way to open the gate and save their planet but with little success.   In 2377 the USS Nightingale entered orbit for a covert investigation of the alien facility. A subspace pulse caused the shuttle to lose power and crash causing a first contact situation with the pre-warp civilization. After a discussion with Fairweather the away team decided to proceed forward with their attempt to save Orgun II and Fairweather accompanied the starfleet officers into the alien facility. She was instrumental in helping deactivate the device however when it was discovered that the device could not be permanently deactivated she applied for asylum on the Nightingale and Cpt. Lewis agreed.   ADDENDUM: Based on the argument by Cpt. Lewis the Prime Directive did not directly apply as the Lormean species wasn't facing a natural extinction event but instead disruption due to another warp-capable civilization. Although the Nightingale made attempts to limit overall exposure, ultimately asylum for Fairweather was granted and she has been tasked with comparing Federation understanding about the alien facilities with ancient Lormean stories about the precursor "angels" and "demons".  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Since taking her onboard Fairweather has acclimated quite well to the advanced technology of the Federation. She is a briliant scientist and highly capable of doing her own research which has allows her to integrate into ship operations without constant supervision or guidance. Her knowledge of the ancient myths of the Lormean have proven helpful as we continue to investigate the Zuul presence in the Typhon Expanse.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Fairweather has proven to be a considerable asset to Starfleet during the exploration of the Typhon Expanse. Her understanding of not just Lormean history but also being able to dig through the historical records found among the Xanid and Starlight Alliance have allowed her to identify the main threat that attacked the Federation in 2378 as well as providing conisderable cultural context around the Morghi encountered. In 2379 Lt. Cmdr. Kixi sponsored her application to Starfleet Academy through a special field training program where she would take classes remotely and her time served on the USS Orpheus would translate into additional credit hours.
Starfleet Academy
Cadet (expected graduation: 2382) Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 16th, 2347
Year of Birth
2347 34 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations