Cpt. Timothy Garvis

Timothy Garvis is the station captain for Chiron Station aka Outpust 26. His career is mostly categorized by simple, steady efficiency. He consistently did a good job, he consistently rose through the ranks serving across several different ships and fulfilling a variety of roles. His trajectory put him on the path to command but in 2371 he married and requested to be stationed on an outpost instead of to a ship so he could focus on raising his family. In 2373 her was appointed station commander of Chiron Station.   In 2376 there was an incident where for one day Chiron Station became the center of an impromptu Ferengi Fight League matchup that saw the otherwise backwater station to receive dozens of visitors from many different governments. During this period Garvis somehow became intoxicated resulting in Lt. Fogg having to deal with the potential diplomatic fallout of having Romulans, Klingons, Ferengi and more all orbiting the tiny research outpost. Thankfully while Garvis was incapacitated there were no incidents and things went back to normal.   In 2377 Chiron station was suddenly thrust into the spotlight as it became the closest Federation Outpost to passageway the Zuul dreadnaught created through the Hellsmouth Nebula opening up the Typhon Expanse for exploration.
  Now Garvis finds himself under considerable pressure and scrutiny as he adjusts from managing a tiny outpost into a growing regional fleet hub.
Starfleet Academy Class
2351, 72nd percentile
Martial Status
Married (Mara Garvis, 2 kids)
Current Assignment
Chiron Station (2373-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Hazleton [NCC-2037] (2368-2373)
USS Kilgarvan [NCC-77707] (2360-2368)
USS Brockville [NCC-69341] (2358-2360)
USS Banterer [NCC-1979] (2351-2358)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations