Lt. Naxor Fogg

Naxor Fogg served as the Chief of Security on Chiron Station.   In 2370 after nearly three decades in Starfleet, Fogg accepted the position on Chiron station as an early retirement opportunity. It was a tiny research post at a dead end in Federation space and at its busiest only had a few dozen crew and visitors to watch over.   This changed in 2376 when a pop-up Ferengi Fight League decided to have an impromptu fight right next to Chiron Station. With Cpt. Garvis unable to take command, Fogg was forced to step up and rouse his security team to put make safeguards in case the spectators went rowdy.   When the fight happened and nobody tried to destroy the station, Fogg thought things would go back to normal. Instead, the USS Oberon discoverd a powerful subspace signal coming from ruins on Seku VI, an Unknown Alien Dreadnaught arrived and destroyed the Oberon, and then in the wake of the alien vessel a path was cut through the Hellsmouth Nebula allowing exploration into the Typhon Expanse.
Suddenly, Chiron Station found it to be the staging ground for multiple exploration vessels and in 2378 when the Romulan Star Empire began invading the Typhon Exapnse, Chiron Station became a staging area for one of the fleets Adm. Shepherd had assigned to safeguard against Romulan incursion.
Needless to say, this wasn't the "early retirement" that Fogg was looking for.
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2314 67 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations