Ens. Kalombo Barika (Kal-ohm-bow Bar-ee-ka)

Kalombo Barika is an operations EPS officer serving on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift).    

Psychological Profile

It is hard to talk about Barika and not talk about her artwork. She left behind an artistic career that likely would have put her among some of the most famous artists on Catulla in order to serve as an enlisted among Starfleet. She is dedicated to her work however she chases her interests. When she felt she had accomplished all she needed to in sculpting she moved on and her next passion ended up being starship power systems. She is careful and methodical with an eye for detail which results in superior work performed. Her extreme focus however comes at the cost of her relationship with her peers. While she has gone through Starfleet training and passed all the basic psychological evaluations, she places little emphasis on the people around her. She is more than willing to put other people's lives in danger without a second notice and on the Narva she expressed little reaction when a coworker was killed from an EPS overload. Ultimately at her core, she is still an artist, not Starfleet and that subtle distinction makes all the difference.  

Biographical Overview

Barika was born on Catulla in 2353. Her parents were acclaimed artists  and Barika was seemed to share their passions and at a young age developed into a gifted sculptor. Hailed as a prodigy at her age, her first work ("Niva By The Water") was  showcased in the Catulla Modern Art Museum in 2364. In 2365 she was accepted into the prestigious Kalejaiye Art Institute where her work began to branch out into more technically complex pieces. Her exhibition piece in 2367 ("Lightning Over Jelinix") famously used three different power systems to generate the lightning storms. Upon graduating she surprised many people on Catulla by choosing to enlist in Starfleet. She joined the Operations branch with a focus on advanced power systems which earned her placement in starship design at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in 2371. In 2374 she opted for re-assignment for starship service and was assigned to the USS Narva in 2374 where she continued to consult with the Utopia fleet yards. In 2377 when the USS Nightingale was given upgraded EPS systems she was re-assigned again as one of the few experts in starfleet as she had helped designed the system three years earlier.   ADDENDUM: Barika gave birth to her first child, Ademoka, late in 2376. She successfully petitioned Starfleet for a child exception and has brought her newborn with her. She has been assigned a private quarter with special accommodations to care for the child.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Ademoka just turned one and is a beautiful bouncing baby and because of the temporal oddity associated to Lt. Thanum and Lt JG. Ridley, Ademoka even has another child to play with.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Over the past two years Barika has been highly focused on her performance and even while juggling the responsibilities as a parent on a Federation starship she demonstrates excellence. Given her familiarity with advanced EPS systems and successful completion of the qualifying exams she is being transffered to the USS Orpheus as a commissioned officer.
Starfleet Academy
N/A (Passed Officer Exams in 2379)
Martial Status
Married (Khalfani Barika), 1 child
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
USS Narva (2374-2376)
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards (2371-2374)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 9th, 2353
Year of Birth
2353 28 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations