Ens. Miranda Vega

Miranda Vega served as a junior science officer on the NX Atlantis.   In 2156 the NX Atlantis was caught in a temporal rift that caused the crew to experience such severe time dialation that after hundreds of years from an outside observer only a few years had passed inside the ship. During this time the crew brought on board an alien lifepod. The alien inside absorbed one of the crew triggering a panic. The crew quickly realized the being was a shapeshifter and with theories of it being some kind of Romulan attack the crew devoled into paranoia and accusations. Chief Engineer Phillips and First Officer Caitlin Mallory quickly came at odds and the crew split between the two of them. When Cpt. Suarez tried to break up a fight between Mallory and Phillips he was killed when a pistol went off. Mallory and Phillips both blamed one another causing the crew to completely fracture   Vega joined with the science faction under Chief Science Officer Takahashi. Vega took charge of the hydroponics bay in order to augment life support and protein rations through fresh grown fruits and vegetables. Unlike the other senior officers, Vega thought the priority should be in freeing the Atlantis from the wormhole and didn't worry as much about the alien shapeshifter. By 2376 she had begun to suspect that Takahasi was conducting illegal experiments on the crew and when the USS Nightingale helped free the Atlantis, she was able to uncover Takahashi's crimes before he could cover them up.
Since being rescued she is working to re-integrate into Starfleet by updating herself on the last 200 years of science and research. In 2379 she successfully passed the officers exam once again becoming an ensign in Starfleet.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2134 247 Years old
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