Lt. Cmdr. Caitlin Mallory

Caitlin Mallory was the first officre acting captain on the NX Atlantis.   In 2156 the NX Atlantis was caught in a temporal rift that caused the crew to experience such severe time dialation that after hundreds of years from an outside observer only a few years had passed inside the ship. During this time the crew brought on board an alien lifepod. The alien inside absorbed one of the crew triggering a panic. The crew quickly realized the being was a shapeshifter and with theories of it being some kind of Romulan attack the crew devoled into paranoia and accusations. Mallory and Chief Engineer Darlene Phillips quickly came at odds and the crew split between the two of them. When Cpt. Suarez tried to break up a fight between Mallory and Phillips he was killed when a pistol went off. Mallory and Phillips both blamed one another causing the crew to completely fracture.   Mallory ended up leading the command faction comprised of the bridge crew and about half of the security forces. The took control of the computer core, gym and rec facilities, and the secondary labs. Mallory's group theorized that the alien intruder was some kind of bioweapon and that if they didn't destroy it, it might reach Earth and kill millions. Mallory started going to extreme measures in her hunt for the alien, including throwing suspected crew out the airlock. She eventually gave orders that all crew had to go everywhere in pairs and anyone caught spending any length of time alone would be suspected of being infected and executed.
  In 2377 the crew of the USS Nightingale encountered the Atlantis and attempted to rescue them. Mallory used this distraction to raid the engineering deck and capture Phillips, having her stand trial before summary execution. Her attempt to kill Phillips failed when the real alien revealed themselves to be Ens. Mendola and he explained it was all a misunderstanding and a science experiment gone wrong. Mallory attempted to execute Phillips anyway but the crew of the Nightingale intervened and stunned Mallory. Eventually the Nightingale was able to destroy the wormhole and tow the remains of the Atlantis back to Federation space. Mallory was quickly court martialed for the dozens of deaths she caused and a wide array of other crimes and was sentenced to life in a Federation penal colony.
Current Status
Year of Birth
2117 264 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations