Lt. Cmdr. Darlene Phillips

Darlene Phillips was the Chief Engineer on the NX Atlantis.
In 2156 the NX Atlantis was caught in a temporal rift that caused the crew to experience such severe time dialation that after hundreds of years from an outside observer only a few years had passed inside the ship. During this time the crew brought on board an alien lifepod. The alien inside absorbed one of the crew triggering a panic. The crew quickly realized the being was a shapeshifter and with theories of it being some kind of Romulan attack the crew devoled into paranoia and accusations. Phillips and First Officer Cmdr. Caitlin Mallory quickly came at odds and the crew split between the two of them. When Cpt. Suarez tried to break up a fight between Mallory and Phillips he was killed when a pistol went off. Mallory and Phillips both blamed one another causing the crew to completely fracture.
  Phillips took control of the engineering and most of the security personnel and secured the lower decks, namely engineering, life support, transporters and the cargo bays. She shut down all the protein resequencers except those under her control and used food and power to negotiate with the science and command factions.
  Believing that the alien was a hostile invader taking advantage of the Human-Romulan war, Phillips prioritized trying to kill the alien above all else. In pursuit of this goal she cut off life support to many sections of the ship hoping to kill the alien but ending up only killing many innocent crew members.
  In 2376 the USS Nightingale discovered the Atlantis trapped in the gravimetric wormhole and were able to transport aboard. The away team foiled an attack by the command staff but then sufficiently distracted the engineers to complete a stealth raid on engineering and captured Phillips. Mallory announced that they would be putting her on trial for the deaths of Cpt. Suarez and many others however before Phillips could be found guilty and executed the alien invader, disguised as Ens. Mendola announced he was taking control of the ship to destroy the cause of the wormhole. With the help from the Nightingale, the wormhole was disabled and most of the Atlantis was salvaged allowing the surviving crew to be towed back to Federation space.
  In 2377, Phillips and several others of the Atlantis were charged by Starfleet for murder and dozens of other counts. Phillips was sentenced to life in a Federation penal colony for the deaths of over two dozen crew in her reckless attempt to kill the alien.
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2123 258 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations