Ens. Vattariana "Riana" Sh'vylloss

Ensign Vattariana Riana" Sh'vylloss serves as a bridge sensor operator on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Riana is a child of two worlds. On the one hand she can be indulgent, lazy, and abrasive being used to being the center of attention growing up and having her every need catered to. On the other hand as a teenager this life was ripped away and she was forced to survive in a rural colony that saw conflict because of the Dominion War. Ordinarily she would likely have little place in Starfleet however her unique ability of detecting things through sensor readings before they occur remains a novel enough ability for Starfleet Command to overlook her shortcomings. She was assigned to be mentored personally by Cpt. Eradas in hopes that the lessons learned by one child prodigy could be passed along to another.  

Biographical Overview

Riana was born in a sacred holy site venerated by the Aenar. A child of prophecy her birth was heraled by portents among a highly religious sect that predicted she would be the reincarnation of a holy prophet from thousands of years ago. She grew up in a life of both extreme luxury and highly targeted indoctrination as the order prepared her to ascend into becoming their new Oracle of the High Volet. In 2370 the time came for her to perform the ceremony of transcendence however, the ceremony failed. Every mark of prophecy had been fulfilled up until that point. The religious order quickly fell into civil war between those wanting for her to try again and those seeking to sacrifice her to purge their order of a false prophet. A longtime caregiver of Riana's smuggled the young child out of the temple and they hid themselves on a Federation shuttle heading towards a frontier colony.   Riana transitioned from the height of luxury to the rigors and demands of a new colony poorly and struggled both socially and academically. Her only friend was the administrator of the colony's sensor station who soon reported that Riana had an incredible sense for detecting objects on the fringes of sensor detection. This ability seemed to border on prescience saved the colony in 2373 when the colony was attacked by Cardassian raiders during the Dominion War. Taking note of this ability, Starfleet brought her in to study at Starfleet Acadmey in hopes of both honing her gift and discovering what methods allowed her to detect, for example, ships coming out of warp before they register on sensors.   Already struggling academically being thrust into the Academy was difficult for her however with careful guidance and tutors she was able to graduate among the upper half of her class. In those 5 years Starfleet still hadn't come any closer to discovering the source of her abilities and so she was assigned to the USS Orpheus in hopes that her special talents could be used to plot an alternative course into the Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy Class
2378, 59th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 16th, 2358
Year of Birth
2358 23 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations