High Paladin Dralika Y'Sakarni

Dralika Y'Sakarni, High Paladin of Yondar, Ascendant Blade of the Holy Nexus, Warden of the Unyielding Faith, Guardian of the Unbroken, Holy Shield of the Celestial Sanctuary, High Servant in the Light of Heaven serves the Kingdom of Yondarim.   The High Paladins are annoited as the holiest of warriors among the Yondar whose every shot and strike are blessed by their patron god. While anyone can attempt to join the Paladin orders to serve, the High Paladins are typically trained from young children either pulled from orphanages or given to the Paladin Order and trained ruthlessly for years. Many candidates do not survive to graduation but those that do are terrifyingly effective in combat and fanatical in their faith.
Y'Sakarni was pulled from an orphanage and ended up graduating at the top of her class. She has spent over a decade serving on the front lines against the Tzynn Star Empire operating as a team of elite commandos going behind enemy lines to sabotage and disrupt enemy concentrations.   In 2378 she was brougth back to Yondar to be groomed for elevation to Master Paladin, leader of the entire military of the Yondar. Since her return however she has been critical of both the efforts in the war and the societal changes that have been occurring as Queen Haakanuri has solidified the Yondar relationship with the Starlight Alliance.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
March 11th, 2337
Year of Birth
2337 44 Years old
Aligned Organization