Kel-Azaa (Kel Ah-zah)

Kel-Azaa is the homeworld of the Kel-Azaan located within the Typhon Expanse.   Kel-Azaa is a temperate world with almost no axial tilt resulting in a only minor seasonal changes. Most life on the planet exists along the temperate broad equatorial band and the stability of temperature plus slightly higher oxygen and atmospheric pressure leant itself towards the development of large megafauna. The Kel-Azaan, despite towering over most humanoids, are quite small for their native planet and evolutionary pressures mean their ancestors needed to work together to hunt massive prey or defend against large predators. To the Kel-Azaan, the community represents life itself because solitary existence was a death sentence for their ancestors.

Although with the rise of civilization the megafauna has been tamed, vast regions of Kel-Azaa are uninhabited and are still primordial and wild. Unlike many other warp-capable species, the Kel-Azaan did not expand onto every continent and the twelve billion of them only reside on 5 of their 7 continents.

Kel-Azaa has a vast asteroid belt encircling it believed to have once been a moon that was destroyed in some ancient cataclysm. This moon belt provides defensive landscape to protect against orbital bombardments as well as a ready supply of minerals that are easy to reclaim. Despite vast heavy industries mining the asteroid belt less than 2% of the belt has been tapped over the hundreds of years of space operations.

WIthin the asteroid belt are numerous mines, defensive satellites, hardened bases and a variety of other defensive measures that provide additional security against possible invasion. During the war with the Tzynn Star Empire, Kel-Azaa found itself on the front lines very quickly but was able to hold out for over a decade as an anchor point for the Starlight Alliance front lines. Due to the amount of space battles that have occurred around Kel-Azaa, the orbit has become cluttered with debris and dedicated efforts are made to remove scrap to avoid falling into Kessler Syndrome.
Characters in Location