Adm. Tethris Voralus

Tethris Voralus serves as the First Admiral for the Starlight Defense Force (SDF). It is her responsibility to direct the fleets of the Starlight Alliance to defend their borders against the Tzynn Star Empire. She commands from the deck of the SDF Vornak's Fury, the flagship of the Starlight Alliance.   Like many Kel-Azaan, Voralus viewsher duty and service as her purpose in life and there has never been any question in her mind that she would spend her life defending Starlight's borders from the Tzynn threat. She rose swiftly and steadily through the ranks. In 2365 she was appointed Fourth Admiral status at only 33 years old, the youngest in Starlight Alliance history. In 2372 the Starlight Alliance was led into an ambush around the Bhen Mar Trinary. The previous First Admiral and most of the Second Admirals were killed in this battle. Voralus stepped up and rallied the remaining SDF fleets to engage in an organized withdrawal that saved dozens of ships.   For this action and the massive blunders that the higher admirals had committed entering the trap aroudn Bhen Mar, Voralus was promoted straight from Fourth Admiral to First Admiral within the SDF. This was viewed as scandalous within many of the Kel-Azaan as violating the chain of command is almost sacreligious to their society however Voralus was able to swiftly stop the Tzynn from capitalizing on the decimation to the SDF fleet and keeping their further losses to a minimum.   By 2376 despite several successful skirmishes, things were looking grim for the Starlight Alliance. The Tzynn had fought right to the borders of the Kel-Azaan homeworld and Voralus assumed direct control over the defense of her homeworld.   In 2377, Vroshathyr Cozamalotl launched a major offensive against the Kel-Azaan lines, spearheaded by the TSR Reaper of Life to breach the battle lines. The Reaper of Life proved to be too powerful for direct attack and dozens of SDF battleships were destroyed by its super weapon however the crew of the USS Nightingale with the help of the remaining SDF fleet was able to create a temporary solar reflector that concentrated the power of the Kel-Azaa star into a single powerful beam that cut through the Reaper of Life and the remaining Tzynn forces.   In 2378 the Starlight Alliance's fortunes had reversed. With the collapse of the Voor Technocracy and the Tzynn being decimated by the XT-489 Exterminators, Voralus was able to seize the initiative and retake dozens of sectors that had been lost over the last decade.
Current Status
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2331 50 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations