Lt. Cmdr. Ayut Lalal (Aye-oot Lol-all)

Ayut Lalal serves as the Second Officer on the USS Orpheus commanding the ship during Beta shift.  

Pyschological Profile

First and foremost, Ayut's diplomacy is above reproach as she has over a decade worth of experience in the Diplomatic Corps. She could have had a shining career as a Starfleet Diplomat but her choice of angling for becoming a starship captain is unexpected but not terribly strange. She was part of a deep space exploration which she often talks about as the highlight of her career and it seems she is hoping to not just participate in more exploration but to actually guide the advancement of known space. Her speciality is in being decisive, taking big and bold moves during diplomatic negotiations that, while aggressive, are very calculated to push the other party into action and then quickly guide them to the desired outcome. As a result she can be described as highly manipulative and this has caused distress among her peers and colleagues who have expressed concerns about being gamepieces in her grand designs. It doesn't appear to be deliberate deception or with malicious intent, she just happens to see the world through the movement and flow of power structures.   ADDENDUM: Ayut has often expressed regert about how for the past two decades she has prioritized her career over social and romantic relationships and often finds herself isolated when in privacy.  

Biographical Overview

Ayut was born on Bajor during the Cardassian Union occupation however in 2340 her parents were able to gain asylum within the Federation. Her academics struggled due to this transition but she qualified for an accelerator program to help Bajoran refugees get into Starfleet Academy. During her time at the Academy she focused on diplomacy and first contact events. Upon graduation she was assigned to the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps as a Starfleet officer and in 2356 she successfully eased rising tensions with the Bhazits and secured trade agreements with the Enzani earning her a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade. In 2358 she was transffered to the Galaxy-class starship USS Allegiance to serve as a Diplmoatic Officer during its 5 year expedition where she was instrumental in navigatinga complex web of interstellar politics in a new region of space, successfully resolving a conflict that had been waging for nearly a century prior. After earning her promotion to Lieutenant in 2362 she was briefly assigned to Starfleet Command before in 2365 she was transferred to Deep Space 9 first as a senior Diplomatic Officer and then in 2366 she was promoted to Chief Diplomatic Officer on the station to coordinate and faciliate the Bajoran entry into Starfleet.   After years focusing on diplomacy she decided to alter her career trajectory and aim for a captaincy. In 2368 she was assigned as Second Officer on the USS Majestic where she served during the first parts of the Dominion War. In 2373 Cpt. Eradas personally recruited Ayut to be her ship's Second Officer as the ship was intended to do deep exploration across two shifts and not just one and needed stronger leadership as it explored the perimiter of the Typhon Expanse.  

2377 Update - Captain Eradas

This has bothered me for years so I finally settled this with our Chief Medical Officer. Ayut is nearly 50 years old but looks half that. I swore up and down that there was some mistake in her records so I called Dr. Orin in to discuss this and he has confirmed her age is as listed. He explained that her youthful appearance is a combination of good genetics and a highly effective beauty routine. I reached out to Ayut for details and her response was "a magician doesn't reveal her secrets". It is my opinion that in 5 years she will be running this ship and I'll be working for her.
Starfleet Academy
2354, 56th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2373-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Majestic (2368-2373)
Bajoran Liaison Office (2365-2368)
Starfleet Command - Diplomatic Liaison (2362-2365)
USS Allegiance (2358-2362)
Starfleet Diplomatic Corps (2354-2358)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 3rd, 2332
Year of Birth
2332 49 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations