Lt. Rynn Takola

Rynn Takola is a Medical Officer on the USS Orpheus  

Psychological Profile

When under Takola's' care, her patients are more at risk from her bad jokes than from their injuries. Takola has an almost pathological need to deliver bad puns and jokes while tending to her patients. She claims that this is to help ease the mood and distract the patients but this behavior has been observed both during psychological profiling and during her off-hours activities. She enjoys her work and leans into challenging procedures or complicated operations with great enthusiasm. Takola has demonstrated tremendous calm and force of will. While working on Cort there was an earthquake that partially collapsed the hospital she was working in and once the shockwaves had halted she proceeded right back to her operation.    ADDENDUM: Takola has extreme entomophobia.  

Biographical Overview

Takola was born on Cort as the latest generation in a long line of medical doctors. She was immersed in the medical field at a young age and showed both aptitude and interest in it throughout her education. She graduated towards the top of her class and continued on at the Cort Institute of Medicine where she graduated with honors in 2371. She worked at local hospitals in Cort with distinction, enough to warrant her candidacy into a Federation exchange program. She was assigned to assist on the USS Nightingale in 2375.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

When the USS Nightingale was sent to drydock for repairs, acting captain Lt. Cmdr. Sel requested that Lt. Cmdr. G'Trel be re-assigned to serve as Chief Medical Officer. Takola requested to be transferredas well to continue her mentorship under Dr. G'Trel which has been approved.
Cort Institute of Medicine
2371, 90th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2375-present)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 12th, 2345
Year of Birth
2345 36 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations