Lt. JG Ten "Tyrell" Th'rhyhlarh (Tie-rell)

Ten "Tyrell" Th'rhyhlarh is a sensor operator on board the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Th'rhyhlarh has a deep rooted rebellious streak in him that time has tempered but still can show itself when he is stressed or unhappy with his current workload. His youth spent among criminals has given him a braggadocious demeanor that has causued some minor interpersonal conflicts. This has mostly been eroded by time and a sense of duty that has arisen from his time in Starfleet but when he is off duty this can sometimes still cause him to start conflicts that other officers would know to walk away from. Despite his average performance in academia he has excelled in sensor operations showing a keen intuition in separating data from noise in the signal. Combined with his assertive attitude this has resulted in many successes in his career although his temperament limits his potential to rise above a junior officer position.   Since being stationed together, Th'rhyhlarh and Lt. Cardack have logged over 200 hours of joint holodeck time togethe  

Biological Overview

Th'rhyhlarh was orphaned at an early age and went in and out of Andoria's foster system. Given their declining birth rate he was well taken care of compared to other speices' foster care system but he still fell prey to recruitment by a local organized gang. Although he was able to perform as a mediocre student his childhood has over a dozen juvenile indictments including two entrances into a juvenile justice and reform system. The second time seemed to have an impact as by his late teens he was focused on his studies and was able to successfully apply to Starfleet Academy.   In 2369 while at the Academy some of his old criminal associates made their way to Earth in order to free an associate currently standing trial for crimes of extortion and smuggling. Th'rhylarh was convinced to help them commit several minor crimes although was not made aware of the larger plot. Once things progressed however and he discovered their ultimate aims he turned himself into Starfleet security and was instrumental in foiling the prison break. The associates were all charged and Th'rhyhlarh was put on probation for his actions.   When he graduated he was originally assigned to desk work at Starfleet however due to an encounter with a crystalline entity created a severe staffing shortage and he was assigned to the USS Nagoya. He performed excellently in his duties there and was promoted to work on the USS Nightingale in 2374.   ADDENDUM: Cpt. Lewis makes a note of his excellent conduct during the attack by the IRW Raknor
and his swift action saved nearly a dozen crew members early on in the encounter.
Starfleet Academy Class
2371, 50th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Lt. Helos ch'Shani, +2 more)
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2374-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nagoya (2371-2374)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
October 26th, 2349
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations