Lt. John Kearney

John Kearney served as the armory officer on the NX Atlantis.   In 2156 the Atlantis engaged a pair of Romulan birds-of-prey during the Romulan-Human war. During the fight the ships were caught in a gravimetric wormhole that moved them thousands of lightyears across the quadrant and stranding them in the Typhon Expanse. In addition due to the extreme gravity fluctuations, decades were passing for the rest of the galaxy while days were passing for the Atlantis.   Shortly after downing the second Romulan bird-of-prey, Kearney led a 3-person away team to Gamma Ataria to look for survivors or salvage. Already in the midst of time dialation due to the wormhole, the team seems to have landed in 2267. While investigating the Romulan crash a volcanic eruption triggered an earthquake that damaged their shuttle. While attempting to fix it, their engineer died from an invasive purple moss. During this time due to further time dialations, it seemed as if the Atlantis had disappeared from orbit. Six weeks after landing, the science officer died to an infection and Kearney ended up surviving on the planet for six years, hunting small rodents and gathering what little planetlife could be found on the dying planet.   In 2377, an away team from the USS Nightingale landed on the planet. First contact with Kearney went poorly and the Nightingale crew stunned Kearney and brought him on board. After rescuing the Atlantis and bringing the surviving crew back to Federation space, Kearney was admitted into a psychiatric rehab program to re-integrate him into civilization after so much time spent alone.
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2123 258 Years old
Other Affiliations