Queen T'Kiiri Haakanuri

Queen T'Kiiri Haakanuri, Her Supreme Eminence, High Mistress of the Sacred Fires, The Radiant Arbiter of Celestial Purity, Warden of Divine Secrets, Matriarch of the Unyielding Faith, Bringer of Eternal Light, Keeper of the Sanctum Celestia, Yondar Sovereign of the Ascended Skies, and Guardian of the Gates of Heaven.   Haakanuri's great-great-grandmother was the one who overthrew the previous monarchy and established the Haakanuri line as the new ruler of the Yondar. Her mother was highly controversial for agreeing to join the Starlight Alliance and while the official story is that the previous queen was murdered by Tzynn spies, reviewing the data seems to suggest that it was an attempt by one faction or another among the Yondar to destry the Haakanuri line and establish a new ruling dynasty.   Queen Haakanuri inherited the crown in 2362 and for the last fifteen years she has seen an increasing amount of resistance to her rule and even the whispers of a loss of the mandate of heaven have become to circulate. The more xenophobic wings of the Yondar have even started to question the support Queen Haakanuri has pledged to the Starlight Alliance with Paladins and Beacons proving to be the most vocal due to the amount of soldiers and spies being lost on the front line.   In 2379 she created an absolute scandal by allowing foreign aliens to touch the soil of Yondar. What had once been whispers became outright cries of outrage with protestors chanting damaging passages at the royal palace from the streets. Even the Speakers seemed to distance themselves from her for this action while the Purifiers remained ever vigilant for signs of heresy.   Alone and isolated it came as little surprise when her own servant tried to assassinate her triggering outright rebellion on Yondar.
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