The Monk

The Monk was a fighter for the Ferengi Fight League. In 2377 he was killed in a fight against "The Inferno" Vax Thanum.   Not much is known about The Monk as by the time he was registered with the Federation he had taken a vow of silence and the Ferengi Fight League's assessment of his history is unreliable. According to the Ferengi, The Monk lived alone on an death world in order to train himself to the pinnacle of combat and after defeating all the apex predators he could find, he entered the Ferengi Fight Leagues to continue his training in finding the perfect opponent.   Federation intelligence speculates that the Ferengi used manipulative business practices to exploit a remote Vulcan monastary and pressured the monks to have one of their own fight in order to pay off their debst.   In 2377 DaiMon Dozig organized for The Monk to fight against Vax The Inferno in an surprise matchup. During this fight The Monk suffered fatal injuries and despite an emergency attempt to rescue him afterwards his body had undertaken too much trauma and The Monk passed away.

An autoposy and toxicology report revealed a fatal level of combat stimulants within his bloodstream and his cause of death has been recategorized from trauma from the fight to chemical overdose.
Current Status
Date of Birth
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Killed in a Ferengi Fight League Match by Vax Thanum
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations