
The hot and arid Highlands sprawl north to forbidden desert. The west stumbles up sandy ridges in the Wasterlies, and the dune hills slope down to the flat wasteplains to the north. East of there the land receives nourishment from the active Lake Tambux below the High Escarpment, feeding the Elysia . Reluctantly humid it can be when rains come in spring and summer. East further the rocky Gologian Range rise, protecting Kormice from bitter chills beyond in the Cursed Badlands. Below the High Escarpment here is Corridor, squeezed between the High and Low Escarpment, though good for pastures and fields. West lie the most fertile basin in Enor Daeg, Tambuxia holds renown for the green grass and humid summers, perfect for its Breadbasket dales for growing crop. The mysterious and foreboding Nilesian Court crouches in the shadow of the desert above and the lush forests of Rerya. South of here lies Reryit, a heavily-forested place without much else. This rises gently to Lochesian Court at the foothills of the Manduskian Range. East and north is the blasted and barren East Heath, destroyed in the Clannish Wars long ago. East, down the Low Escarpment lies the Weirland, home to halflings, whose many-headed waters flow tirelessly and succulently down many streams and banks.   Evoria is the human kingdom, dominating the Central East of Enor Daeg, the western continent in Daeg. It is south of the Deadlands and north of Lochish. The Riverlands are southeast of it, the Weirland, being a contentious zone for both kingdoms although formally belonging to Evoria, is south of Evoria, east of Lochish. Wild Rerya lies to the west, its forests and hills providing a natural boundary.   Humans first arrived in Evoria after the Dawn Wars, guided by their human gods. These deities looked after them and showed them the right ways, blessing them with fertility. Quickly the humans multiplied, gaining notice of the other species who had all at some point enslaved or looked down upon them. With humans now swelling in numbers, the other species quickly devised some way to protect themselves against the horde. It was thought by the wise elf Thanuing to simply acknowledge and respect their place in Daeg. The humans would have their land to call their own and war over while the rest of the world tried to forget about them.   This splintering of humans is reflected in their environment. Hot and dry, wet and fertile, cold and rocky, forested and hilly, swampy and dismal, almost every type of environment can be found in here. The people and tribes of the area are as diverse as the land. In the nascence of the country, tribal conflicts abounded. A king came and united the tribes into one country. It is from this line that Manaron was birthed.   Evoria is on good terms with all surrounding countries. Royalty in each country respects the dedication and progress humans have made, especially the iron-fisted rule of Manaron and his predecessors. The peoples of the other countries tend to look down on short-lived humans but look at their accomplishments as novel.   Koppen: Dfb  

Territories & Regions

Evoria is in between several prominent climates on the continent. The lush, fair forests of Rerya to its west, the dry, hot Deadlands to the north, the muggy, sick swamps and dry mountains northeast past the Gologian Range, the humid and warm Riverlands to the southeast, and the Manduskians block some of the temperate humid Lochish to the south. This convergence gives Evoria its cousin regions. These climates do not clash as harsh as elsewhere in the world, but are seen as extensions. Indeed places such as Reryit are so called for its incredible similarities to Rerya. All populations given are of the region and are approximates.  


The northwestern boundary of Evoria is surprisingly not the least populated even though it is in the Deadlands. The southern sandy dunes and craggy northern plains are not conducive to a populated place, but the majority of people survive in the capital, Oasis.
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Capital: Oasis
Capital Population: 11,000
Total Population: 15,000



The metropolitan heart of the country, the ancient city of Hlee has seen many phases of its long life. Long ago built around a temple to Pelor, the inhabitants never ceased worship and building, even after its two great collapses. This region is also home to only one city, Hlee.
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Capital: Hlee
Capital Population: 870,000
Total Population: 1 million



Just south of Hlee are the fertile plains of Elysia, often called "blessèd fields of Elysia." Here, Chauntea, not Pelor, is regarded as the chief deity. These fertile grain fields are rivaled only by the subregion, Breadbasket.
Read the full article here!   Demographics
Capital: Dalth'it
Capital Population: 120,000
Total Population: 700,000



The Northeast is lies under the shadow of the Gologian Range which stops the oppressive Cursed Badlands beyond. Kormice is known for its most populace city, Deep Golog, a thriving dwarven outpost.
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Capital: Ridgegate
Capital Population: 22,000
Total Population: 360,000



The oft forgotten region of Corridor is really a highway between Evoria and the Riverlands. It is narrow, constrained on the north by the High Escarpment and the Gologian Range and on the south by the Low Escarpment.
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Capital: Canstin
Capital Population: 17,000
Total Population: 140,000



Tambuxia is the most coveted region in Evoria. It has the central location of the country, is the crossroads of most trade routes, and is home to the Breadbasket. It is also the quickest growing region. The largest city, Yym, was not always the capital; that used to be the regions namesake Tambuxic.
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Capital: Yym
Capital Population: 10,000
Total Population: 400,000


East Heath

East Heath is the most devastated and scarred region of the Clannish Wars. Its capital was annihilated during the first few weeks of the war and the fields were cursed so nothing can grow. Its de facto capital is not seen as any cultural or diplomatic importance. Many avoid the area for an air of evil hangs, but still some call it home.
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Capital: Vix's Grave (de facto)
Capital Population: 200
Total Population: 6,000


Lochesian Court

The southern most region of the country is the gateway to rich and vast Lochish. It is incredibly quiet here and it receives most of its funds from taxes and tariffs on goods coming down the Causeway, the pass into the country. It is home to the smallest capital in Evoria.
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Capital: Mótil
Capital Population: 1,000
Total Population: 12,000



The forest of Rerya and the Holy Forest of Sehanine crowd usable land in this region. A sect of Sehanine protect the Holy Forest from all outsiders, acting as its druidic guardians. The western forest from Rerya is often thought to be haunted or at least people feel very uneasy going into it. That being said, hunting is popular and the people here do just fine.
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Capital: Tobeo
Capital Population: 22,000
Total Population: 88,000


Nilesian Court

Nowhere in Evoria do shadows linger more than in Nilesian Court. This region has seen its share of woes and evil-doings, though they never struggle in power and keep to themselves. They give an air that they allow Evoria to govern them, and their pride lives on through their long-lineaged dynasty of Lavingés.
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Capital: Bypass
Capital Population: 35,000
Total Population: 209,000



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