Eibhlín Xyrran Character in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Eibhlín Xyrran

Eibhlín Xyrran

A half-elf bard of great renown.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eibhlin's perception of her childhood is that it was perfect, even though apart from her parents, there was little consistency.   

Eibhlín's Parents


Eolan (father)

Born in 1820 CE in the Holy Empire of Brisea to two half-elf scholars, Gauwilh (father) and Artadrien (mother). Gauwilh is an antiquities dealer and historian, and Artadrien is a former pop star turned music theorist and historian.

Eolan is a bard by trade (and spirit) with an eccentric personality and great talent. Eolan taught Eibhlin how to play musical instruments and perform for the crowds, and is the source of Eibhlin's charisma.

Edhel (mother)

Born in 1919 CE in the Holy Empire of Brisea to an elven mother, Imis, and a half-elf father, Elion. Imis is a well-known astronomer in Brisea whose definitive works have been featured in major publications. Elion leads a nomadic lifestyle, traversing the three known continents of Valeguard. Elion sends Edhel a card every year for her birthday, but they have no other contact.

Edhel is a polymath - an explorer, writer, scholar, linguist, and photographer. She is also skilled in self-defense, having had to extricate herself out of dangerous situations in the field. Edhel taught Eibhlin everything she knows regarding languages, cultures, and history and always brought her Bag of Holding full of books everywhere she went. Edhel taught Eibhlin how to make a solid argument, and the importance of listening to every side before making judgements.


Eolan and Edhel are both alive and well, maintaining a happily-married nomadic lifestyle. Eolan and Edhel met during her field research at the Deneirien Lantern Amphitheatre; she was researching pre-Great War artistry and he was searching for inspiration from past great artists. Instead, he found his muse. They have been inseparable ever since.

Some years after their marriage, Eolan and Edhel temporarily settled in the culture-rich elven city-state of Thysserin. In Thysserin, Edhel met and interviewed many refugees of the Great War, sparking an ongoing interest in the Great War and its effect, which has become her life's work. During this period, Eolan and Edhel decided to start a family, and shortly thereafter, Eibhlin was born.

The trio lived in Thysserin for the first six years of Eibhlin's life, though they did travel several times. Eventually, Eolan and Edhel's love of travel and exploration brought them back to their nomadic ways. They traveled through most of the nations on the continent of Agonin, where her parents conducted their research, both consuming and creating knowledge and art, as well as sparking Eibhlin's interest in cultures, languages, and histories, and her overall love of learning.

At the age of 14, Eibhlin overheard talk of a nearby pseudodragon sighting in a tavern. She asked Edhel about them, having previously thought them to be extinct or mythical, but Edhel showed her a photo she had taken of one in a forest near the thorp of Tharausta many years before. Eibhlin has been in search of a pseudrodragon ever since.

Personality Characteristics


  • Forge a relationship with a pseudodragon
  • Learn all of the stories, legends, knowledge, etc.

Half-elf bard, lover of pseudodragons and knowledge

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
1855 CE 34 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Abyssal
  • Celestial
  • Common
  • Draconic
  • Dwarf
  • Elf
  • Giant
  • Gnome
  • Goblin
  • Orc
  • Sylvan

Questioning the Quest

When we first entered the mountain, I knew we would likely encounter peoples and things unlike anything else. Which has been a theme of our journey. But this time we would be entering the home of one of our own. A home which was destroyed and has lain in ruin for half a century.


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