Eibhlín Xyrran | World Anvil

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Eibhlín Xyrran

Half-elf bard, lover of pseudodragons and knowledge

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Sun 28th Feb 2021 10:20

Questioning the Quest

by Eibhlín Xyrran

When we first entered the mountain, I knew we would likely encounter peoples and things unlike anything else. Which has been a theme of our journey. But this time we would be entering the home of one of our own. A home which was destroyed and has lain in ruin for half a century.

The major events and journals in Eibhlín's history, from the beginning to today.

Find out what an Ettercap is today. [i]shutters[/i]

10:22 pm - 28.02.2021

Questioning the Quest

When we first entered the mountain, I knew we would likely encounter peoples and things unlike anything else. Which has been a theme of our journey. But this time we would be entering the home of one of our own. A home which was destroyed and has lain in...

10:20 pm - 28.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Eibhlín.

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