Session 10: Cold Hollow Report

General Summary

Tyrsday the 28th of Harvestide Night, in the year 3025 AF   With a storm brewing outside, the Fate Bound decided to rest in the mausoleum of Morgrim Brightblade for the night. Arveer and Shayne went out in search of dry kindling as Druss tended to the animals and then began to prepare their dinner.   With all the rain over the past few days, Arveer and Shayne were unable to find any dry wood for a fire. In truth, they had gone off together to talk about recent events and what had brought them to the Blighted Waste. To Arveer's surprise, Shayne began to open up to him about his past and how he and his sister had been lured into the Shadows. They found a way out, but now they had a price on their heads. Perhaps Shayne had spoken to Arveer because they had both experienced family tragedy. Shayne had vowed to change his ways but, the murder of his mother by a person he thought was his friend had turned his thoughts to dark places. Arveer confided in Shayne that for him it was only after making peace with his past that he was able to move forward and begin cleansing his soul. Shayne disagreed with Arveer and said that when he exacts vengeance upon his ex-friend Korwin, that would reveal to the Fate-Bound the killer that he is.   Iados quietly left the mausoleum to find a place to meditate alone. As he did so he reached into a pocket in his robes and found a trinket that he had made when he was just a boy. It was a vaguely humanoid shaped piece of wood, painted red, with horns; a representation of his father. As a child, Iados idolized his father and would often dream of meeting him one day. As he matured he realized that he wanted no part of his father's infernal heritage. Instead, he would strive to change the negative opinion that most people have toward Tieflings. As he meditated on this once more, he unconsciously rubbed the trinket as he had done so often in the past.   Upon returning to the mausoleum, Arveer saw Iados clutching the wooden figurine in his hands. He asked Iados if it was a representation of his father. Iados told him yes and added that he was committed to resisting the temptation of his father's power and that he would also do whatever it took to change the perception of Tielfings in the world. Arveer reassured Iados that he was strong and that he would be there for him no matter what. Arveer then parted with him silently. Iados continued to mediate on the trinket and was surprised when he felt it warm in his palm. He struggled to figure out what that might mean and finding he could no longer meditate, he returned to his friends.   The heroes gathered together in the mausoleum to share their cold dinner and talk about the events of the day. Arveer rose after the meal and spoke to his friends from the heart. He felt he had failed them in some ways by letting his emotions cloud his judgement. He told them that he would act more sensibly from now on and do his best to become the leader of the Fate-Bound not only by example, but inspirationally as well. As he finished, Gilligan began playing music and singing a song that he had just composed on the spur of the moment. Even in the confined space of the gloomy tomb, the heroes settled down to rest feeling a bit better after the bard's song.   Gilligan and Leonardo began their watch just as the storm outside was subsiding. The first hour was uneventful and eerily quiet, but as the second hour began Gilligan was startled by a voice in his head. It asked him to come outside for a private conversation. Just as he was about to alert his companion, the disembodied voice used a safe word, "Pineapple", a word that he had used with his former bardic troupe. Gilligan knew that whoever was speaking to him telepathically had once been a part of his troupe and so he felt safe enough to venture outside alone. He told Leonardo that he needed to relieve himself and then went outside.   The moon Tulian was waxing gibbous giving enough light for Gilligan to see a hooded figure beckoning to him from behind a stand of dead trees about 100 feet away. He approached slowly and was shocked to see his old friend Burrin Goldstone waiting for him.  
The dwarf pulled back his hood revealing his face and a fresh scar through his left eye. He told Gilligan that he had come to warn him. Burrin and his employer were after the halfling's companions and for old times sake he wanted to give Gilligan a chance to get away before that happened. As Gilligan hesitated, the dwarf mocked him calling him a child. He told the halfling that the bardic troupe that they belonged to had always been a front for criminal activities. Burrin knew that Gilligan did not have the stomach for what the Tall Tales were actually doing so he pushed him to leave the group. Burrin also admitted that he had killed or maimed the rest of the Tall Tales and that Gilligan was the only one left. The dwarf asked Gilligan to choose. Would he leave and save himself or stay? This would be a significant decision for Gilligan. Would he save himself or risk his life to fight for something greater?   The halfling's answer was swift. Hoping to catch the dwarf off-guard he fired a snap-shot from his hand crossbow. The bolt missed and with a thud embedded itself into a nearby tree. Burrin gave his former companion a bitter look and said, "You have made your choice." He then turned and fled quickly into the shadows as the moonlight illuminated a green sash tied at his waist.   Leonardo realized that his friend had been gone for a long time so he decided to go outside and check on him. He emerged from the mausoleum just in time to see Gilligan let loose his crossbow bolt. He shouted an alarm to awaken his companions and rushed forward toward his friend. Soon all of the Fate Bound were surrounding Gilligan asking him what was wrong. He hurriedly told them about Burrin and they all searched for him, but to no avail; he had disappeared without a trace.   As they returned to the mausoleum, Gilligan could not hide the anger he felt towards Burrin, but he was more concerned now the he knew the Green Blades were operating in this area not to mention that his association with the Fate Bound put all of them in harm's way. Arveer was also upset to hear about the mercenary group, but he reassured Gilligan that they would face it together.   Returning to the mausoleum, they all discussed the implications of what had just happened. Although they did not all comprehend the reason why the Green Blades were seeking them out, it was clear from what Burrin had said that somewhere here in the Blighted Waste the mercenary band was lying in wait for them.   Lysday the 29th of Harvestide in the year 3025 AF   The next day dawned revealing another dreary and overcast day threatening rain. The Fate Bound ate a cold breakfast, but as they were finishing Arveer rose before continuing on their journey. They crested a ridge not far from the cemetery and peered down into a misty valley within which they could see the shadowy outlines of a ruined village. There was no doubt that the mist shrouded and forgotten place below them was Cold Hollow.     It began to rain as they decided to descend into the valley with Shayne and Gilligan in the lead proceeding stealthy about 30 feet in front of their companions. It was difficult to see into the village, but as they moved closer they could vaguely make out humanoid shapes moving in the gloom. Signaling to their companions they moved down into the cover of a dilapidated shack. From this vantage point they could see a group of bi-pedal creatures attacking a two-story building on the other side of town. As they were about to move to investigate they noticed a group of creatures on the other side of the shack that were moving forward to attack them.   The Fate Bound sprang into action at the first sign of danger. Arveer, Leonardo and Druss bounded down the hillside closing the distance quickly to support their companions. Shayne moved around to face the creatures seeing that they were some kind of undead zombie. He lashed out striking the closest one that hissed as his blow sliced across its body. Gilligan did the same, passing a dilapidated hovel with a tattered blanket fluttering in the doorway as he attacked the nearest zombie.   Tenzin strode forward displaying his staff channeling the divine power of Morwen which caused several of the zombies to hiss and begin to flee from its wholesome power.   Now that the Fate Bound had closed with the creatures, they noticed that these zombies moved more quickly than those that they had encounter before and they were able to attack twice as fast. They had encountered Blighted Zombies, creatures that had been created by the eldritch lightning that plagues the region. Leonardo and Arveer joined the fray damaging the zombies as Druss followed-up to land killing blows. Iados attacked with spells from range to support his comrades.   Suddenly, a ghoul burst out of the dilapidated hovel surprising Gilligan who had failed to notice him. The vile creature raked the halfling with it's claws that were caked in the blood of the ghouls latest victim. Gilligan could feel his body going rigid at the touch of the ghoul, but he failed to resist the poison coursing through his veins and he was paralyzed.   More zombies appeared leaping from the second floor of a nearby building to lunge at the heroes while the group in the distance continued to attack the two-story building on the other side of town. The Fate Bound redoubled their efforts as Druss decapitated the ghoul attacking Gilligan and Arveer used his sword to ward off blows and deal telling damage. Shayne moved quickly among the undead stabbing them with deadly efficiency. Leonardo attacked one of the fleeing blighted zombies and finished him off with a smite.   As the heroes looked on in terror a lighting bolt struck a corpse that was on the ground next to a burnt out tree. It rose immediately as a blighted zombie. At the same time, the zombies attacking the building had just broken through the door on the ground floor as well as the door on the balcony. Whoever was inside clearly needed their help.   Realizing the urgency, the adventurer's surged forward toward the house even though Gilligan was still paralyzed. Arveer, Leonardo and Druss formed a shield wall attacking the zombies in front of the door to the house. Iados stepped up behind them and cast a shatter spell that turned the zombies into a blood soaked mess. They broke through the door and rushed upstairs as they heard the sound of fighting coming from the second floor. Gilligan had now shaken off the paralysis caused by the ghoul attack and running forward he used a grappling hook to climb up to the balcony.   On the second floor the zombies had cornered an old man holding a longsword which he had used to kill two of the zombies. He was gravely wounded. The heroes rushed to his aid trying to overwhelm his attackers with shear numbers. The floor began to creak ominously from the weight threatening to collapse. As the battle raged, they were horrified to see a zombie viscously bite the old man sending him bleeding to the floor.   As they killed the last zombie the floor finally gave way sending them all tumbling toward the ground floor. Gilligan who was out on the balcony nimbly jumped across to the roof of a nearby building. Druss fell painfully on a wooden railing nearly impaling himself. Arveer used his athletic training to shift his weight and bring his sword around to skewer a zombie as he landed breaking his fall while Leonardo positioned his shield to protect his body, was still hurt in the fall. Tenzin also landed awkwardly, but Iados was able to easily avoid the dust and debris as he was standing outside. Shayne hit the ground floor with a roll coming up on his feet his rapier at the ready.   Tenzin moved quickly to help the old man who was now sprawled among the debris. He was surprised to see that he was still breathing. The man spoke with a rasping voice and told him not to use any of his magic or abilities for it was his time to die. He told them that he had been waiting for them all here in Cold Hollow for many long years. His name was Bjorn Shattershield and he had been waiting for their arrival to give them a message. The old veteran propped himself up among the debris and looked them all over very carefully with a wry smile on his face. He used the back of his hand to wipe some blood and sweat from his brow as he told them that they were all descendants of a group of adventurer's who had gone on a mission with his brethren from the Shining Circle. He told them that it was not random chance that brought them together, but rather it was to be their destiny forged by the actions of their parents against the Githyanki. At that moment, Leonardo noticed that there was a faded patch on the old warriors doublet. The patch looked like an archaic version of the symbol of the Shining Circle.   As this sank in, he coughed a bit spitting-up blood and they once again asked if he needed healing. He declined once again waving them off. As he lay dying, he urged them that they must find the lost city of Dolendai before their foes did. Everything depended on it. He told them that they must find the portal that would lead them to the lost city of the elves. Before he died, a peaceful look came over Bjorn. He swept his gaze over them all and with his last words he said, "Make your parents proud."   Stunned by the revelation that they were all bound together by more than just fortune and friendship, the Fate Bound sat for a moment in silence each alone with his own thoughts.   They decided to take the old warrior back to the mausoleum while Shayne searched the debris of the old building and found a tattered journal. It would take time to read through all of the scribbled writing, but as he leafed through it, a yellowed piece of paper fell out. A chill ran up Shayne's spine as he realized the names on it were the parents of the Fate Bound!
  • Suyn Lurong
  • Artur La Croix
  • Weldon Drogon
  • Calisto Mahari
  • Damian Kurth
  • Lorgar Bloodbane
  • Garth Trottle
Here ends Session 10

Rewards Granted

400 experience points

Missions/Quests Completed

Discovered the ruined village of Cold Hollow within the Blighted Waste

Character(s) interacted with

Burrin Goldstone Burrin shocked Gilligan by turning up unexpectedly outside the tomb of Morgrim Brightblade in the Blighted Waste. He warned Gilligan that he was always a member of the Green Blades and that his companions had been targeted. He wanted Gilligan to save himself by abandoning his friends. Gilligan refused and attacked Burrin who fled.   Blighted Zombies, undead creatures created by the eldritch lighting in the region.   Bjorn Shattershield an old warrior who was attacked and killed by Blighted Zombies. Before dying, he told the Fate Bound that they were all descendants of an adventuring group that had gone against the Githyanki.
Into the Maelstrom
Leonardo Gallois
Level 6 Human Lawful good Paladin
(Folk Hero)
61 / 61 HP
Druss the Destroyer
Level 1 human lawfull good Fighter
10 / 12 HP
Gilligan Trottle
Level 6 Halfling Neutral Bard
42 / 42 HP
Tenzin Lurong
Level 6/1 Human lawful Good Cleric/sorcerer
(Acolyte )
42 / 42 HP
Iados Mahari
Level 6 Tiefling Chaotic Good Wizard
28 / 38 HP
Arveer Bloodbane
Level 6 Dragonborn Lawful Good Fighter
(Folk Hero)
2 / 61 HP
Shayne Karth
Level 6 Drow Chaotic Good Rouge
46 / 47 HP
Report Date
20 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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