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Tian Xun (Tea-An Shune)

Daughter of The Storm Xun Tian


Physical Description

Special abilities

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tian Xun was the only child of Emperor Tian Wu and was set to inherit the empire once her father died. After growing up surrounded by eunuchs and servants, shielded away from the harsh reality of what her people went through on a daily basis, Xun eventually learned the truth and slowly became bitter towards her father, who wanted nothing more than to exploit them for wealth and power, enslaving those who would not bend a knee.   As she grew up, in secret she would learn to fight and hone her weapon mastery. Xun was extremely proficient with the deer horn knives and would constantly train with the imperial household guard to keep her skills in check. One day she had enough of cowering behind the towering reinforced outer walls of the palace, in the middle of the night she donned a black cloak and a one of a kind theatrical mask given as a gift and hopped roped herself down the outer wall. For many nights she would patrol the streets from rooftops and walkways in hopes to stop crime and help those in need, some nights she would be successful and others, not so much. Xun's little vigilante spree did not go unnoticed and she was eventually caught by guards sent by her father after he noticed the mask had gone missing. Emperor Wu was not pleased that his only heir was out risking her life for the lower class instead of staying safe behind their walls where she had everything she could ever possibly need. Xun was outraged that while the citizens of their empire were starving and tearing each other apart for money and food, they were locked away with riches and power beyond belief. As punishment for her outburst, she was confined to her quarters for 2 weeks and guard patrols were doubled to prevent her from slipping away again.   One day, a mysterious figure approached the palace gate and requested a meeting with Xun in private. After much speculating between the guards, they allowed her through. Upon meeting with Xun, the woman checked to make sure there were no eavesdroppers before explaining that she was from The Following of Oaris and that Oaris demanded a meeting with her in person at The Storm Shrine on Etrya Island. Eager to leave the palace immediately, Xun slipped out via a basement exit with the woman. On the way out they were stopped by patrol guards at the gate, Xun's father was about to be alerted to this disturbance when the woman beckoned them to stand down and let them pass or face the wrath of Oaris, surprisingly this worked and they were able to disappear into the night.


Tian Xun


Towards Hai Lin

Hai Lin


Towards Tian Xun

Honorary & Occupational Titles
2452 AC 2531 AC 79 years old
Circumstances of Death
Buried alive alongside The Dormant Army
Hai Lin (spouse)
Long, Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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