Ellywick Redleaf

'You came for me. To where the wind does not blow, and the light does not warm, you came for me. Within the realm of horrors, amongst death and decay, you came, for me. Thank you, my friends. I died for you once, and would a hundred times more.'
Ellywicks words spoken upon seeing her friends, after she gave her life to close a breach and save them.

A forest gnome of high standing in Greenleaf and throughout The Elyswer, her actions showing age and strength beyond her years. She acts as an agent of Arenal Luxlight, The Summer Lady, and undertakes dangerous missions to spread the Elyswers' influence and protect the borders of the nation from hostiles.

However, her membership of 'Lights' Destiny' keeps her busy whenever she is not working on behalf of her lady. She uses what resources the organisation has to monitor the forested area for inter-planar breaches, a difficult task with the portal to the fey realm forever open in Everlinde. Her membership in this organisation is a secret, as only those who have suffered at the hands of these horrific outsiders are inducted.

A Tragedy for a Child

Ellywick suffered at the hands of these demons they call outsiders when her village was destroyed by a rampaging host that had breached the fabric of Venya. Why they targeted her village is unclear, and at the age of ten Ellywick alone managed to survive, seizing her fallen family's heirlooms to protect herself and her sister. She used this powerful artefacts to wield dangerous magics she never had before and smote down several of the horrors. Though the powers grew beyond her control and killed her younger sister. When she was found by an agent of Lights' Destiny called Kaelin Stormcloud, the village and nearby forest was all but ash. and corpses of several demons lay about the corpses of the gnomes. Ellywick sat beneath the tree at the centre of the glade, a place she had buried her family, her eyes bloodshot with tears and her nails dirt encrusted.

Kaelin took her in and taught her how to control her substantial powers, as well as how to channel the heirlooms of her family, amongst which was an ancient artefact. Her powers blossomed and her natural powers grew, one of which was the gift of foresight. She became a devoted agent, determined no others would suffer as she did, and in her adventures even entered the nine hells and the demon realm once again to return.

Each adventure leaves a scar, and she carries even more heirlooms now, each one for a friend lost, never again to be found.


2467 AC  


Agent of Arenal, The Summer Lady, and member of 'Lights' Destiny' organisation.

Organisation - Lights' Destiny

A secret organisation whose members have suffered greatly at the hands of the horrors from beyond our realm. Many are found as orphans, as Ellywick was when her village was burnt to the ground by the forces of a demon prince and only she survived. The organisation is determined to prevent these actions from happening to others and is full of members from all nations. These people monitor rifts and planar activity to try and seal any that open.


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