Armount Andalarian Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Armount Andalarian

Sir (a.k.a. Seneschal)

The Steadfast Seneschal of House Asbury

Background and Early Years

Sir Armount, the esteemed Seneschal of House Asbury, stands as a figure of unwavering loyalty and duty. His story is intertwined with that of Lord Geoffrey Aldowayne, whom he served as a long-time adventuring companion in their youth. When Lord Geoffrey took the name of Asbury upon his marriage to Lady Elinor Asbury, Sir Armount remained his steadfast ally.

Duty and Sacrifice

The depth of Sir Armount's loyalty was most profoundly tested when the Hordes of the Temple of Elemental Evil descended upon Asbury before The Battle of Emridy Meadows. It was then that Lord and Lady Asbury entrusted the care of their child, Elinor, to Sir Armount. This act of trust marked a turning point in his life, as he took on the role of protector and mentor to the young heir of Asbury. His regret at not being able to fight and potentially die alongside his lord and friend has since been a silent burden he carries.

Physical Presence and Skills

Sir Armount is a tall, gray-haired man, his body marked with the scars of many battles. Despite the onset of age, he remains a formidable presence, both in physical stature and in mental acuity. His experience with lance and sword is renowned, and under his tutelage, Asbury has developed a solid core of fighting men, capable of defending their holding from numerous threats.

Tutelage of Elinor Asbury

His proudest achievement, however, lies in his training of Elinor Asbury. Under his guidance, she has developed into a skilled warrior, not to be underestimated in combat. Sir Armount’s mentorship has been crucial in ensuring that Elinor is well-equipped to handle the challenges she faces as the heir to House Asbury.

Character and Disposition

Sir Armount is a quiet source of strength within House Asbury. He speaks openly and candidly with Elinor, offering her counsel and wisdom. With others, he is more reserved, preferring to listen and gauge the motivations of those around him – a skill he has honed over the years.

The Steward: Boditea Greensward

Sir Armount's closest confidant within the household is the steward, Boditea Greensward. A knight in his own right, Boditea is responsible for overseeing the lord’s other manors, ensuring the honesty and efficiency of the bailiffs. Though in his forties and not as physically quick as in his youth, his experience, literacy, and numerical acuity make him a valuable asset to House Asbury. He lives with his wife, two sons, and infant daughter, sharing his well-appointed quarters.

Description of Sir Armount

As you meet Sir Armount, the Seneschal of House Asbury, his imposing presence is immediately noticeable. He is a tall man, whose stature still bears the hallmarks of a warrior in his prime. Despite advancing in years, his posture remains erect and commanding, a remnant of his days as an adventurer and a testament to his enduring strength.   His hair, once perhaps a rich color, has now turned to a distinguished shade of gray. It frames a face that has seen many battles, marked with scars that tell silent stories of his bravery and encounters. His eyes, still sharp and observant, hold a depth of experience and a hint of solemnity, reflecting the weight of his responsibilities and past regrets.   Sir Armount's features are rugged, etched with lines that speak of the many challenges he has faced. There's a firm set to his jaw, indicative of his determination and unwavering loyalty to House Asbury. His skin, weathered by the elements and the passage of time, speaks of a life spent in the service of others and the realm.   In terms of attire, Sir Armount dresses in a manner that balances his role as a seneschal and his past as a knight. He likely wears functional, yet well-made clothing, possibly adorned with the insignia of House Asbury. His clothing, though not overly ornate, is of good quality, befitting his status within the household.   Overall, Sir Armount’s appearance is that of a seasoned warrior turned wise guardian. His physical bearing, coupled with his quiet strength and keen observational skills, makes him a respected and formidable figure within the halls of House Asbury.


Armount Andalarian


Towards Elinor Asbury


Elinor Asbury


Towards Armount Andalarian


Lawful Good
Current Status
Knight and retainer for Lady Elinor
Year of Birth
532 44 Years old
dark hazel
pepper gray brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"True strength lies not in the arm that wields the sword, but in the heart that remains steadfast amidst the storm."
"To mentor the young is to plant seeds in a garden you never get to see in full bloom, yet you water them with hope every day."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Asbury coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Sir Armount by 3orcs


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